The Door

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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 20: The door

Walking through the dark, endless hallways, I have learned why this place is called the 'Labyrinth'.

Every now and then, I come to a crossroads where the hall I am in meets with another. No matter which direction I go, there are always a seemingly-infinite amount of other hallways that can take me who knows where. All of the hallways look the same, deeming it impossible to have any sense of direction.

Turning down a random hall, I notice that the vanishing point of this particular dark hallway looks to have what must be a dim source of light.

A room of some sort?

Walking down the hall toward the strange source of dim lighting, a noise makes me immediately stop in my tracks and freeze up.


The growling has an odd, low gravelly tone to it, one I have never heard in my life before.

...The growling is coming from the room...

Upon realizing the source of direction, I notice a large, black mass standing in the shadows in the middle of the hallway. The mass is definitely inside of that room, right in the doorway as though it is guarding it.

The mass looks to be the size of a large canine, very muscular and thin at the same time. Along with the growling, a continuous sound seems to be coming from it as well. It sounds like the chattering of teeth...large teeth.

Before I even have a chance to react, the creature takes off toward me, the sound of four heavy clawed feet fill my ears as it runs at me.

Screaming out in fear, I take off running in the opposite direction, yet I suddenly stop running as an odd sense of familiarity hits me.

Turning around despite my fear, the creature has already caught up to me as it tackles me to the ground.

Landing hard on my back, I attempt to cry out in fear and pain, yet I am unable to as the air had been knocked out of my lungs.

The heavy creature continues to growl and stand above me, my eyes able to see the creature easier, yet the only thing I see in my vision are two large, elongated jaws in my face.

The creature's muzzle looks to be similar to a dog...but very twisted and mangled. The skin atop its muzzle has been pulled back beyond its non-existent nose by some wire, exposing all of its enlarged teeth. Its eyes are forced shut, as the creature's skin has all been pulled back harshly.

The creature continues to continuously chatter its jaws together above my face as saliva runs down from its jaws and onto my face.

Its heavy paws remain on my body as it seems to be hesitating on whether or not to rip me to shreds.

Suddenly the creature climbs off of my body, giving me a better view of it at the same time.

The creature definitely looks to be a dog of some kind, a beast that is forced to chatter its jaws together nonstop, for an unknown reason. The dog has beige colored skin, no fur whatsoever, and has docked ears and tail like a pit bull. It has two black leather straps around its neck, front legs and waist bearing spikes.

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