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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 22: Victim

In no time, the sun had risen beyond the factory as I slept, falling by the time I began to stir.

Curled up upon my blanket, my second blanket serves as a cover to keep me warm within the decently chilly room.

Nude beneath the blanket, it slowly slides off my body with the stretch of my legs while I shift from my side onto my back.

A familiar, mouthwatering scent reaches my nose once reality returns to me. My eyes fly open as I sit up and discover the source of the smell.

On the cement floor next to my sleeping spot are two fresh, enticing human hearts sitting upon a puddle of warm blood.

Feeling my stomach ache and my mouth water, excitement overflows within me as I grab onto one of them and extend my nails into claws.

Digging my claws into the tough organ, a piece is torn off as I begin to eat.

Knowing this must be Axel's way of apologizing for his behavior the night before, I grow very happy while continuing to eat the delicious meal that was provided for me.

Within ten minutes, both hearts are gone while I lick the warm blood from my fingers, feeling full and content.

Discarding my used tampon, I think about using another, but decide against it as my flow has lightened.

Looking toward the closed door, I stand up, making my way toward it before slowly opening it.

The dark hallway beyond the door is cut straight through by my night vision, my eyes glowing their usual violet to provide me with the vision.

The hallway is empty, as expected.

Using my recently enhanced sense of smell, I try to catch scent of Axel to determine whether or not he is still here.

The fresh, familiar scent of him assures me of his presence within the factory, making me grow wary, yet excited.

I fear his anger, if he happens to be irritated for some reason I am unaware of.

Standing in the open doorway of my room, I hesitate as my fear holds me back.

He apologized. He brought me food as an apology. He has no reason to be angry with me right now.

Building up the courage, I walk into the hallway, steadily making my way through it while following his distinct scent.

The scent of his leads me onto the first floor of the factory, the same floor his workroom is on.

My nose begins to pick up the scent of a female mixed in with his, yet my nose doesn't pick up the scent of estrus like the previous female Galileus had given off.

Growing worried, and curious, I continue walking until the scents lead me to an open room.

The room looks to have been an old conference room, a metal table in the middle of the decently sized room. No chairs remain, just mild flooding, large debris and lots of dirt.

One wall has a large window on it, the glass no longer intact, leaving a giant hole in the room. The ember colors from the falling sun bleed into the room faintly, a couple rays of sunlight remain.

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