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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 24: Truth

Waking up around sunset, I slowly stretch. Not having opened my eyes yet, my senses come to me once I realize a constant, familiar purring is occuring right next to me.

Opening my eyes, I take in the sight of Axel. His eyes lock onto mine, as they were previously studying my body.

"...You're still here...? Axel, have you eaten anything...?" I worry, turning my body to face him.

He doesn't respond, instead he pulls my body against his, feeling my form against his while burying his face into my neck, taking in my scent as if it were addictive.

'...Your scent has changed.' He purrs lowly into my mind, his voice tame and for the first time, sounding happy.

At first I became confused, until the realization hit me like a brick wall.

...It actually worked...

In shock and disbelief, I rise off the bed, "How...? What made that moment any different than the rest?" I ask myself aloud, indirectly asking Axel as well.

Thinking about it, I recall the previous times we had copulated compared to the last. Thinking about the mindset I had been in, the despracy, and emotion within the session.

...I wanted it. I truly wanted to that the difference...?

Turning to look at Axel, I realize he has stood up to stand in front of me.

His deep brown eyes lock onto my violet ones, 'Choice. You truly desired to carry my offspring. That is the difference.'

Studying his eyes, everything begins to make sense regarding my fertility. Alexander was never able to impregnate me because I never wanted to carry his child. Axel was never able to impregnate me despite his exceptional fertility, because I never truly wanted to carry his child...until now. Before, I was not ready to take on such a huge responsibility. Axel has proved to me that he is capable of protecting me and our offspring, from anything and anyone.

For the first time in my life, I feel entirely safe...


Night had fallen by the time Axel finally allowed himself to leave to find himself nourishment. As I assumed, Axel had not fed once since we had coupulated, despite his organs beginning to turn necrotic. He endured the pain to make sure I was safe as I slept. I had to push him to leave just now, as he was still adamant about remaining with me.

Currently, I am in the kitchen attempting to cook a human dish called french toast.

According to the cookbook, it should be simple.

Pulling out the eggs, I get a bowl and pan ready. Placing the egg carton on the counter next to the stove, I glance back and forth at the book and my items.

Turning the stove on to the desired temperature, I take a hold of one of the round eggs in the carton.

Not sure how to open it properly, I hit it against the counter, expecting it to be tougher than it actually is.

To my shock, the egg practically explodes onto the counter, making me freeze and watch the bits of yolk and white run down onto the floor from the counter.

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