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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design), Cryptsin, and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 37: Risen

Three years passed by at the same rate as an eternity, it felt. Most of that time was spent battling against my own mind, never once feeling an ounce of forgiveness for myself. There was a lot of self-hatred; and if anything, the hatred had gotten worse over time. Although my siblings, and Silvia, all tell me I should forgive myself, I can't. The pain and remorse filled my mind with so much guilt that it suffocated my sense of reasoning. My three years stretched out into six.

I have no reason to go back... It repeated throughout the years.

He deserved better...once he wakes up, he won't remember me... It had nailed into my skull.

Axel is safe...Amon is always close by while he hibernates... The thoughts reassured me over time, constantly reminding me of the three trusted Cryptsin who had agreed to remain near his body in the forms of familiars as well.

Despite my depression attempting to pry me away from Earth, my heart would not have allowed myself to rest unless I knew Axel was guarded and Amon had assistance at all times. Axel was not safe from the Cryal in any sense while being hung up in a barn somewhere. Together, the Cryptsin and Amon are all able to keep Axel hidden unless anything were to see him with their own eyes. If any Cryal happened to enter within 10 miles of the area, illusions were used to deter them one way or another.

Despite my mind clinging onto the guilt of the past, everything else had progressed along with time. My sadness had mutated into anger, and from that anger I manifested a powerful urge to practice wielding what Alexander was too afraid to unleash of me. His technology held me back from using my full potential, while he spent those years trying to force me to succumb to his every demand. To get me to become a thoughtless weapon of his, to wield and destroy without an instance of hesitation nor question. I never once gave in to his manipulation, therefore was never trusted enough to earn further freedom.

But I am determined to return to him fully fledged. To show him just how much these nightmares, those countless days of misery and suffering have truly done to me. To show him what he has done to me on the inside, tear it out from within my weeping spirit, and generously return the favor. My training has been successful, resulting in a considerably larger amount of energy storage within my soul. Today, I can burn off so much more power, and it takes much longer for me to become exhausted.

Despite my fighting spirit rising, Silvia's lifeforce had been going downhill. She had carried with her the mark for six years now, proving there to be a new theory. Likely, her father had somehow come into possession of the second stage of infection. He may have seen someone get touched by the Reaper and pass out, coming into contact with their mark in the process of attempting to help, or there are more humans out there who are actively spreading it. Either way, Silvia has lasted longer than any human should have in either case.

As for her mental state, she has begun to fade in and out. It is difficult to notice at first when the episodes start, but her behavior does end up shifting to the point where we can tell. Then, she gradually returns to her normal self. Unlike her father, this behavior is more intertwined with her willpower. It manipulates her interests and actions, despite this. She had explained the sensation to me as an 'unnatural desire for extinction.' It drives her to want to kill those around her, and since she can't infect us, the Labyrinth remains the best place for her.

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