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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design), Cryptsin, and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

This is another chapter that may cause some issues with Hellraiser fans. The description/origin of Leviathan came from my own imagination and is not canon to Hellraiser itself.

Chapter 49: Dawning

After entering the Labyrinth with Axel, he stepped into the cell willingly. The cell itself was located within a pretty decently sized room made of a dark, stone-like material with a similar feel to cement. The room itself was cut in half, separated by bars set in place like an enlarged jail cell. Like a jail cell, the bars had a sliding door that could be securely locked.

Sliding the door closed, it slammed before locking securely into place. Axel turned around, eyeing me through the bars. He moved his hands to them, gripping on before snarling and screeching out in effort, pulling on the bars with all of his effort in an attempt to test them. He relaxed seconds later, releasing his hold on the bars before walking further into the cell, taking in the walls around him. Testing the cell further, he approached a wall before crashing his fist into it, nearly shattering his fist in the process. He winced with a sense of satisfaction in the cell's integrity, putting trust in knowing that it would be enough to keep him away from me.

Arms crossed, I observed him, not feeling entirely prepared for how he may treat me throughout the next few following days. Axel knelt down next to the whitetailed deer Celest had left in the cell for him, a look of disgust on his face. He knew he had no choice but to feed upon it, but the smell of it was not appetizing, nor was the thought.

He pushed past the details, using his claws to puncture the hide just below the chest, grabbing onto it before tearing downward to spill out the guts. The entrails bursted out from within, blood beginning to pool from between the organs and intestines. Axel made quick work of skinning the deer, despite not having any tools to help him do so. About two hours passed until he was finally able to force himself to eat, most of the time had been spent smelling, and resisting. He had paced around the cell probably twenty times before his body gave him no choice but to eat.

Unlike with feeding on humans, he is able to replace more than one body part without issues when it comes to feeding upon animals. With the deer he was able to replace his liver, a kidney and his right arm. As of now, he no longer requires anymore replacements.

"Levi." My voice reached Leviathan, allowing him to dispose of the body.

Axel immediately sprang up and away from the body the moment the ground began to seemingly consume the decomposing deer down into it. He was shocked, and curious as to what was happening. The ground absorbed all the blood, sucking down the flesh, organs, all the way down to the bone before that too crumbled and disappeared down into it.

Axel, once the body was gone, looked to me from across the cell. I was now lying down on my back in a makeshift bed made of blankets and pillows about an arm's distance from the cell's bars. A sketchbook was in hand above my head, currently sketching out an idea for a weapon I had been thinking about. In my mouth I fiddled around with the back end of a micron pen, using a graphite pencil to sketch.

The sketch was of a scythe, except the handle of the scythe was custom, while the blade had originated from a Reaper's scythe.

Axel observed my sense of focus in what I was doing, and decided to speak upon his interest, "...Levi is...?"

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