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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 25: Fragments

Having finished my meal, Axel discarded the remains while I returned to my bedroom.

In the bathroom, I wash the blood from my skin using the sink.

Focusing my senses on the creature growing inside of me, my senses pick up on the tiny hint of life Axel and I had created together.

It is strong, healthy, and so very unique. There had never been a Cryptsin/Galileus hybrid before, until now.

Taking a seat upon the lid of the toilet, I slowly rub my belly while beginning to purr to myself without even noticing.

While able to sense and smell many things about the tiny little baby forming inside of me, I am unable to tell the gender of it, not yet trained or familiarized with those scents yet.

Looking at my belly, I begin to mumble to my baby, "I can't wait to meet you...I hope you are nice and comfortable in there. Will you have my wings, or your daddy's wings?" My words make me giggle a little with excitement.

May 27th, 1991

Sitting in the conference room, as they call it; I would prefer the term 'interrogation' room, I sat with my wrists bound to the metal table while sitting upon a cold, metal chair.

Dressed in my usual white hospital gown, I awaited the arrival of my captor.

This type of meeting would happen at least once a week, ever since I was captured in the 80s.

At this point in containment, my wings had been clipped to the point I could not fly with them even if I tried. This served as punishment for a previous outburst of mine.

Staring down at the metal table, my eyes take in the tiny hair-thin scratches all over it. The dim lighting of the room is said to 'awaken my mind', to allow me to communicate more honestly.

The sudden sound of the door opening doesn't even make me jump, footsteps are then heard as the door shuts.

The usual footsteps approach the table, the chair across from me screeches as it is pulled to be seated upon.

Feeling his energy across from me, his deep breathing fills my ears. He speaks, "Vivica, my dear princess. How are we feeling today? Had last night's treatment proved effective?" His deep, dark voice speaks to me, smirking just enough to expose some of his teeth.

...Last night, he had ripped out my tongue for speaking back to him. He then punished my body on top of that, leaving me bloodied, raw and bruised within my cell.

Even now, I sat with bruises covering my skin, my tongue had regenerated half way, just enough for me to speak.

Remaining silent, his sharp gaze could be felt burning into my soul. My anger from the night before had melted into fear and submission, leaving me buried in the back of my mind just to keep myself from shattering.

He slammed his hands down onto the metal table loudly, making me gasp out in terror and look into his eyes, my own full of fear.

My captor, standing now, begins to chuckle at my fear. He takes in a deep breath before leaning over the table toward me, his tall height assisting as he grabbed onto my jaw with a firm grasp, grinning in my face.

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