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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 10: Retrospect

"...But I didn't mark you. How will others know you are mine too?" I ask Axel, frowning.

'Loyalty. Devotion. Scent.' He reminds me, taking out all of the weapons of his from the leather bag beneath the table.

Realizing he must be looking for his missing weapon, his eyes then lock onto me, a deep growling coming from the back of his throat.

Growing worried, I ask, "What...?"

'Have you taken a weapon from me?' He assumes, his voice deep and intimidating.

Beginning to giggle, his growls grow louder as he rises from the chair. Axel suddenly raises a hand. Out of nowhere, the hidden dagger shoots through the air from the hiding spot, flying into Axel's grasp.

Axel looks in the direction the dagger came from. Coming to realizing it was a joke, he growls.

Eyes wide in shock, my mouth hangs open from what I had just saw, "...How...?"

Axel grins at me, knowing I'm impressed with his ability to recall weapons, 'Angelic blood flows through my veins.' He simply responded to me, throwing the weapon once more to make it fly back into his hand, similar to a yo-yo.

"...Why are you suddenly communicating with me? I thought I wasn't worth your time." I tell him.

He stabs the tip of the dagger down into the wooden table, putting his weapons away again, 'You are my mate, after tonight. You bear my mark, now I must keep you as mine. Even if that means communicating.' He seems to still not be fond of opening up to me through communication, but makes me happy that he is trying.

"...Thank you." I tell him, receiving a huff in response as he begins working on two small sharp-edged bones, likely to be made into a throwing star.

Feeling the aching from between my legs return, I decide to lie down on the blanket to relax, looking all around the basement at all the different bodies.

My mind begins to wander back to my father, and the dream I had involving him. The dark room, with all those chains and hooks.

His voice can still be recalled within my mind, telling me to return home.

If only I knew where home was.

Shifting my thoughts onto Axel, I begin to worry about what would happen if I returned home. Would he stay here without me? Would he come with me? Anywhere he is, that's where I want to stay.


Opening my eyes, I take in the pitch black room. The spotlight is on me, leaving everything else in the darkness. My night vision has been taken from me, as well as my power and energy, leaving me nearly human.

The chains swing from the ceiling, everything still the same as it had been the last time I had this dream.

Dressed in a silky, long black dress, I rise onto my feet.

"Father? I'm here again..." My eyes dart around through the darkness, hearing nothing but the clinging of chains and distant screams of what could be humans.

"Daughter. Where have you gone to this time? You have become lost, searching for your past self in unfamiliar territories." My father's voice rumbles softly through the darkness, his voice sounding disappointed.

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