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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 26: Entity

Once the sun had begun to rise within the horizon, I quickly grew tired. Amon decided to remain with me as Axel went on with his usual day of hunting.

Axel had already left by the time I was getting ready to sleep.

In my tanktop and underwear, I rest my head upon my pillow, pulling the covers on top of me while I yawn.

Amon, lying upon the floor next to my bed, lies upon a thick blanket with two pillows right next to me. He decided to remain here, in case another nightmare or bad memory occurs.

"You can sleep in the bed, you know. I promise I won't bite." I remind him, watching him get comfortable upon the floor.

He looks at me and chuckles, "I know. The floor is enough." Amon continues to be respectful of my space, being very polite as usual.

I cross my arms, "Fine. Then I won't sleep. Suit yourself."

He looks at me, "My wings, unlike yours, are unable to be absorbed into my back. There is no way of putting them away or aside, having no choice but to take up room upon a bedspread. They will be in your way." He informs me.

"In all honesty, if anything, they would bring me a sense of warmth and comfort." I admit to him, watching him.

Amon sits there for a moment before huffing shallowly, he rises from the floor to walk around the bed. I watch while he climbs onto the bed next to me, getting comfortable on his stomach facing me, his stomach being the most comfortable sleeping spot for his wings to not be laid upon.

Snuggling into the covers, Amon remains uncovered, not needing the warmth, similar to Axel.

Looking down, I get a glimpse of his feet, having already discovered his feet to be similar to the baby Galileus I had cared for days ago, but obviously more matured.

Long, sharp talons tip each of his elongated toes, having four in the front and one in the back.

Growing curious, I speak up, "Why is it that you and other Galileus have taloned feet with four claws in the front and one in the back, while Axel has the feet of a human? Is it because of the whole diet thing?"

He looks into my eyes, his unique, reptilian-like eyes fascinating me within the blackened room, "Yes. Because he feeds on humans, his body evolves much slower. Therefore, he does not yet have the feet we do. In time, he will."

Looking into his eyes, I nod in understanding. Closing my eyes, I attempt to sleep.

Axel's POV:

Having just replaced both of my legs, my feet have finally changed. These new feet of mine make driving difficult, but it will take time getting used to.

Having left my truck at the factory, I decided to hunt by hand for now.

Making my way through a tall field of crops, the sun's rays heat up my dark clothing, the heat feeling nice against my skin beneath.

Not too far from my factory, I make my way toward a smaller road out of the way, sensing the presence of humans.

Feeling an aching within my kidney, it is quickly determined to be my next craving.

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