Chaper 46

678 33 4

Sorry I haven't update in a while! More than likely it will be 4 or 5 more chapters left!

Jasmine's POV:

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital." A distance voice shouted."

"No hospital!" What I got you here for if I needed to take her to a hospital? Von asked in a distressed voice.

"It has been 4 days" It would be better to have in her hospital to run more test to see why she hasn't woke up yet.

"You're a doctor right?" Von asked.

Yes, but—-

"So I suggest you figure that shit out right here." Bring whatever is needed. Money isn't the issue. Von said.

"Yes sir" The man said as I could hear the fear rising out of his voice as his footsteps began distance.

"I've been out four days?" I thought to myself.

Unwanted memories flooded into my head of what I had been through.

I tried to move my body but no luck.

"Von?" I called out urgently, only to have it  eco back into my head.

I can't move my body. I thought to myself.

"Her swelling is gone down a lot" I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

A soft touch of a finger brushed across my cheekbone.

Once more I tired to force my eyes open with no luck.

"Would you please just wake up." Von whispered into my ear.

"I am awake!" I shouted.

I could hear the panic in his voice as he spoke critical words.

"Even like this she stills has you wrapped around her figure even more than she will ever understand." The same voice spoke once more .

"Why are you still here?" Von asked as I could feel him let go of my hand.

"Just keeping an eye out for you." The woman spoke again.

"It's been over four years since I last saw you Jessica." Von said.

"Jessica?" I thought to myself.

"Why do you always have to be so uptight with me?" She asked.

"Jessica?" I repeated in my head.

"Look, I understand that you're here to check in on Leah but leave it at that." I don't want anything to do with you. Von said .

"Jess, what are you doing in here?" Leah voice boomed into my head.

"Obviously nothing" she said in disappointment.

"Just wait for me outside" Leah said.

Momentarily I could here high heels clacking into the direction of the door.

"What did you say to her?" Leah semi- yelled.

"Leah, don't start that shit with me" I don't even know why you brought shorty here. He said.

"I thought you over that?" She asked.

"I am!" But you know she isn't and I have a lot of shit going on. Besides how would that look when Jas wakes up? He said.

I thought harder about the name Jessica as my memories came flooding back to me at once.

My heartbeat jumped stabilized into the bottom of my feet for unknown reasons.

She was Von's first love.

"I'll just tell her to leave until I'm well enough to meet up with her later."

She and Leah had been best friends prior to the unfortunate fall out between her and Von.

Leah had never picked sides but Jessica always thought otherwise.

"How is she?" Leah asked as she brushed her hand across mine.

Still the same. Von said.

"She'll wake up soon" we all know Jas has always been stubborn in her own way.

"Was she rapped?" Von blurted out.

"I don't know" Leah said.

"I don't think so" she added.

A soft whisper of "oh" left his lips .

"Are they all dead?" Leah asked.

"The important ones are." He said.

"Don't worry, she will awake soon." Leah said as I slowly felt her hand let go of mine.

Try to get some sleep. She said before walking about.

Part of me wanted to wake up but the other half of me didn't want to face reality that were demanding answers.

After what har happened to me, I felt disappointed in myself. I placed the faith of my life in the hands of someone who didn't care about me .

My eyes popped open widely as I glanced about the room.

My body ache in pain as I let out a soft whimper.

"Jas?" I heard Von's voice call out.

Before I could respond he was at my side glancing over me.

"Don't move" he said as I tried to left my head up .

"I'm fine" I lied.

My mind was overwhelmed with high emotions as a tear slipped out of my eyes.

"It's okay" he whispered, as his fingers brushed through my hair, as if he could read my mind.

My body felt weird as many memories flooded into my head of past events.

"Was I really raped?" I thought to myself

The memories of me almost being was too much for me to handle but the thoughts of me not being able to remember were heartbreaking.

"I don't remember!" I managed to mumble in between cries.

His eyes soften has my words weighed heavily on his soul.

"Good" Von said.

I brushed his hand off of my face as I glanced at him.

"How could you say that?" I screamed.

"It would be better if you didn't remember." He said .

"Get out!" I screamed as I pushed him away.

"Jas, just breathe" he said as he tried to step towards me again.

"Get out!" I yelled again as Nicki and Leah walked inside.

"What's wrong Jas?" You're awake.

Nicki said with almost a relief.

"Why is she here?" I said glancing at Jessica.

"I thought I told you to leave?" Von said.

"Jas just clam down" Nick said as she stood next to me.

"What did you say?" Nicki asked Von.

"Nothing" he said.

"She's only here for me Jas" Leah said regretful.

I couldn't think straight as anger and sadness overtook my emotions.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at Nicki.

All of you just get out! "Just leave me alone." I yelled once more.

My breathing started to become labored as my vision started to become blurry.

"Jas?" I heard Nicki yell before I blacked out.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now