Chapter 47

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Author's Note: I'm back ! I'm soo sorry! I've been in a huge writer's block but I think you guys for still sticking with me! Here's to 30k! Make sure you guys still like and I'm still editing unfortunately 🥺

* This chapter Can be triggering for some to read as it contains strong content.

#LLDThang ❤️🥶

Jasmine's POV:

"It's been two days and she still hasn't eaten anything, maybe you should try again" Nicki whispered from outside of the door.

"She doesn't want to see me" I've tried already. Von said.

I could here the sadness in his voice turn into anger.

"Well, try again" and keep trying. "She cannot continue to go like this." Nicki said.

"Look, I have other shit to do" I don't have time to deal with this. "When she's ready she will come out." Von said.

My heart dropped into the bottom of my stomach as tears started to roll down my face.

"Fuck that" Nicki said.

"Obviously, she's depressed and traumatized by what happened." You're not going to walk out on her when she needs you the most.

"She would never do you like that." Nicki added.

"Maybe later" Von said as I could here his footsteps walking away.

I didn't have the energy to care at the moment.

Whenever I would try my body refused to move. Even hearing the laughter and cries from my children didn't give me the motivation to get up.

Tears started to flow down my cheeks. "What kind of mother was I?" I thought to myself.

The door slowly creeped open allowing the sunlight from the hallways to be welcomed in.

I pulled the covers over my nose, not having to know that it was only Nicki coming in again.

"At least you showered today." She said with a smirk in her voice.

Her eyes glanced over my covered body as if it was the last time she would see me.

"Jas, can you please just try to eat a little." She said as her voice started to crack.

Once again her voice was a greeted by silence.

I was too ashamed to even speak, as memories started to flood my thoughts.

"Don't worry about von" he will come back around.

He just doesn't know how to handle all of this. She said.

Part of me wanted to believe her.

"You were the once who always kept us together and it's just hard on everyone" She said.

"I know you're hurting" I've been there before.

"You were there for me, and I'll be here for you."

I kept my eyes closed until I heard her footsteps in the hallway.

The one person I wanted to come never did.

When he did he kept his distance.

Why wouldn't I expect him to?

I had been broken down.

When I thought about him, I didn't know which I felt worst sadness or anger.

Part of me wanted him to be here with me but the other part waned him to be far away as possible.

I hated myself.

I couldn't sleep nor eat, but I didn't have the courage to leave this room.

No matter how many times I washed myself I couldn't help but feel dirty.

I couldn't protect myself.

"He couldn't either" I reminded myself.

Forcibly I sat myself in the bed.

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness around me.

A trey of food caught my eyes as a knife was placed next to it.

"Don't do it" I repeated to myself as my feet was greeted by the coldness of the floor.

Before I could I think again, the knife was in my hand.

Tears started to flow harder as I was sure my cries could be heard.

"I was tired of it all."

Happiness no longer was surrounded by me.

I slit the knife deep into my wrist as I cried more.

As I moved to my other arm a knock on the door caught my attention "Jas is everything okay?" Nicki said worriedly.

The door open slightly, as my hand held the knife tightly.

"You're out the bed?" She asked as I could here a bit of happiness in her voice until she noticed the knife.

Her legs moved quicker than the words could flow out.

"Jas! What are you trying to do?" She said as she grabbed the knife out of my hand while holding my wrist.

I cried more as I heard the destress in her voice.

My body started to feel weak as my vision became blurry.

"Leah! Get in here now." Nicki yelled before my body fell into her arms.

The last thing I was greeted by were footsteps and worried voices.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now