Chapter 26

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#LLKV 💙🕊

Jasmine's POV:

"Mommy "I heard someone say.

My head popped up as I glanced at at Liberty.

"Yes?" I said in a sleepy tone.

Your'e home and I missed you very much she managed to get out.

My heart melted in my feet. "I missed you more." I said honestly.

She jumped into my free arm as I embraced her happily.

"What happened to your arm? She asked.

Umm. I just fell really hard. I said.

She thought about my answer for a few moment before dropping the questions.

"Daddy tried to do my hair but he doesn't do it like you." She said.

I laughed as I looked down at Von who was still fast asleep.

Her hair was placed in a sideways ponytail, as the wrapper wasn't tight enough to hold her hair.

I was going to ask auntie Brittany to help me but her and dada were talking in the room last night.

She looked sad but dada gave her a hug. Liberty said.

"What you mean babygirl? I asked.

Von hugging Brittany? And Brittany accepting the hug? That shit sounded out of line. I thought to myself.

Before Liberty could say anything Leah bust through the bedroom door as Von sat straight up looking around.

"Bro, you have been doing that dumb shit all my life gang." why can't you just knock like a normal person? He asked.

"Because I'm not normal." Leah said.

I rolled my eyes as Leah pulled King out of his crib as he smiled brightly.

"Come downstairs, I fixed breakfast." Leah smiled.

Liberty jumped off the bed as August rolled behind her happily.

"I don't want to." I said in a low voice.

I still wasn't ready for everyone to see me like that. The scar under my eye was still dark and red.

"Please." Leah begged.

"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to." Von said as he kissed me on my forehead.

I don't want you sitting in this room all alone all day. We can have a girls day while the boys go do something else. Leah said.

I nodded my head as I knew she wouldn't drop the conversation.

The last time I had spoke with Nicki our conversation wasn't the friendliest. I actually missed her crazy remarks.

Brittany had been keeping her distances and I was under the impression it was because of the way I had looked.

I sometimes saw the same sadness in Von's eyes before it quickly turned in anger and then into regret.

Everyone sat around the dinning room table as I walked in the all grew quiet.

"Where they really going to treat me different?" I thought to myself. I was trying my best not to act different and they couldn't even pretend.

"Hey sis." Roy said with a smile.

Hey Roy. I said happily. At one point I thought I could hear everyone let out a breath they were holding in.

I sat in the empty chair next to Nicki and Von as Brittany sat across from me.

Nicki didn't look my way for a moment until I hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry" I whispered.

No "I'm sorry" She said aloud.

I smiled to myself.

"See I told ya'll they couldn't stay away from each other. Leah said.

Everyone laughed as we let go of each other.

"Did ya'll really let Leah cook?" I asked.

Is that what she said? You know she just stood there and watch me, just like Brittany. Shay did help though.

I smiled towards Shay who was stuffing her mouth with Bacon.

"Dang why don't you just shut up sometimes." Brittany said.

"Don't ya'll start that shit." Leah said.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes in my direction, as she shot a glance as Von.

What was that? I asked.

Nothing. She said lowly.

The room was once again quiet as I was no longer hungry.

"Jas, come on." Leah said.

"What the fuck was it with her?" I thought as I walked back up the stairs.

Everything seemed to be overwhelming to me as I wanted to cry.

Jasmine, what's wrong? Von asked as he walked in behind me.

"Why were you hugging Brittany?" I asked.

He glanced around the room as he looked back at me surprised.

"Liberty told me that you two were hugging for a while the other night." I just thought it was strange because you two hate each other.

Baby, She's 3 and she was just upset about you. He said.

"Well she doesn't look that happy to see me now." I said honestly.

He glanced at me before sitting on the bed.

"Come and lay with me." He said.

Why you changing the subject? I asked.

I'm not. I just don't care about her. He said.

Where are the kids? I asked.

They watching t.v with Roy. He said.

"I just want to make sure you're good." You have been through a lot.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"Why you lying?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes as I laid next to him.

He wrapped is arms around me.

"You just want to go back to sleep?" I said.

No, I just want you to rest. He said.

"What happened to him?" What did you do? I asked in a whisper.

"Don't worry about it. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to ever see us that way again. "It's nothing for ya'll to see. He said.

I nodded my head.

Besides he's not even dead. Only wishes he was.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now