Chapter 18

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Author's Note: I thank y'all for all the support and I love reading comments! I even respond to the good and negative. I just want to say it has been a lot of people messaging me wanting me to update almost everyday. I know for sure that I update like every other day and if not if it's like every two day's. Orginally I said I would only update on the weekends. Anyways, I'm working, and in school so me trying to update everyday is really not good for me right now. But I keep ya'll good I believe.

This chapter is yet to be edited .

LLKV 💙🥶🐐

"Some parts in this chapter can be triggering for anyone who has been in this situation. Please be advised!"

Jasmine's POV:

Bro, I thought you said it wasn't that hot in Atlanta. It feels like we still in Chicago. Nicki cried.

I glanced at her, "It's not that bad." Chill out. We here for a good time not a long time.

"Bitch, you listen to Drake too much." Brittany said. When we met him last year you couldn't say two words. She added.

"Shit, Von was mugging him so hard Drake didn't want to say anything." Nicki said.

Ya'll stay off my man like that; I said as I rolled my eyes.

Better let them know Jas. Von said as he walked up towards us.

"Why you always listening so hard?" I asked.

Nah folks, why y'all always so loud? He asked.

Especially Brittany ugly ass. He added.

"Boy don't start with me today" I'm not the one.

Man, whatever. Just put your bag on the cart before I make you carry it. He said as he threw her bag onto the cart before walking down the airport.

"Be careful with my stuff." She yelled.

I rolled my eyes. I need a drink. I whispered to myself.

I placed my shades back over my eyes hoping not to attract too much attention towards myself, although it didn't help too much.

It's that chocolate skin and the little booty. Nicki said. She always enjoyed the attention more than I. That was just her personality. I was more on the chill behind the scenes type of person.

As we walked towards the front of the airport I noticed Von and Durk talking to someone I noticed.

A smiled appeared on my face as we approached them. 21 savage is that you? I asked.

He looked over Von as he saw me standing behind him.

Yo, Jasmine? Von didn't tell me y'all were flying out too. He said.

I glanced at him. "I hope you didn't have anything planned to get them in trouble then." I said.

Never that. He said with a straight face.

What's up Nicki, What's up Leah, and Hey Brittany.

Hey, "They all spoke at once."

"That's all you Von?" She bad as hell. I mean no disrespect. A man said from behind 21. He was a few inches taller than Von with tattoos all over his face. I only glanced at him as she showed us his million dollar smile.

"If he wasn't light skin." He couldn't pull that look off. Leah whispered from behind me.

I smiled as I tried not to laugh.

"Who this goofy lookin nigga?" Von asked.

"He's nobody Von" Only trying to get put on Durk said. I'm sure he didn't mean no harm.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now