Chapter 56

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Author's Note: Don't mention it! I know it has been over two months since I've last updated this story. I apologize for the long wait. Tomorrow (May 17th) is my birthday, so I decided to surprise you guys with a updated chapter. Please make sure to comment and comment! It helps to get this story out and keeps me motivated to want to do more! Anyways, Happy Birthday to me! 

Jasmine POV: 

"mommy" August cried.

"A baby?" I thought to myself. A fucking baby? I cried. 

"King is right here mommy." What's wrong? August asked. 

"We should call daddy, he hasn't been here in a few days anyway" Liberty said. 

Her excitement was almost too much to handle for my tiresomely state of mind;  I didn't have the strength to imagine him walking through those doors with any hope of the future for us. 

I was now sure that the love we once had would be lost forever. I would never be able to compete with a baby. My wild and unwillingness of jealous couldn't look beyond a baby. 

"Clearly he's the reason why she's feeling like this" Why would she want to speak to him Liberty? August asked. 

Her eyes warned around from confusing trying to process his words. 

"Just shut up sometimes," your'e too young to understand what's going on right now. He mumbled. 

"Don't tell your sister to shut up August," I murmured to August. 

He huffed under his breathe. "This shit is dumb. 

"What you're mouth with me," I said a little unaware of the situation. 

Obviously, somebody has to step it and its be me. For the last two days I've been taking of them mom. 

My heart ached as the words slipped though his teeth. It was my responsibility to look after them and not the other way around.

"Just go get ready for school, and I'll get them ready," I said. 

He glanced at me momentarily, as if he was growing suspicious of words. 

"Go, and be ready for breakfast in 20 minutes," I said. 

He ran upstairs before giving me one last look. 

"Hi mommy," Liberty said with a big smile. I gave her smilie back, as she still carried a innocent personality. 

Her room was covered with toys and clothes as we walked in. This was another reminder for me to call housekeeping for a deep cleaning, I thought to myself. 

"This pink dress and white air-forces," Liberty mumbled to me. 

"Sounds like a plan baby girl," get dress and I'll be right back after I get out the shower. 

I placed King in his rock-in-play next to the bathroom door as I showed. 

The doorbell sounded off as I jumped almost in fear. 

My hair dripped the access water onto the floor as I hoped out the shower. King started to scream for the top of his lungs as I wrapped my rope around me. 

"What's wrong baby?" I asked as I scooped him into my arms. The bell ranged again as I made my way towards the stairs. 

"Who is it?' August asked from behind me. 

I glanced at him in confusing, "How would I know?" I said. 

He was starting to act more like Von each day, and I didn't know if I liked it or hated it. 

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now