Chapter 63

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Von's POV:

It was easy to get under Jasmine's skin. I enjoyed it more than I should, but I must admit she had been working on her poker face.

My hand gripped the wheel tighter as I looked in the mirror.

The kids were still sleeping, and Jasmine was drifting in and out of sleep.

I nudged into her shoulder with my right forearm, "Which way am I going?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders forward as she sat up straight. "Take this left, and then another right, and it is the last house on the end" She mumbled.

"Oh yes, what a very good director," I said.

"What's that?" She said.

My eyebrows brushed together, "Nothing". I mumbled.

I pulled into the driveway, looking at the house while turning the car off.

It was a three-story home, with a big front yard.

King slipped into my arms as I walked to the front door of the house.

"How much... How much was all of this?" I asked hesitantly.

Jasmine opened her mouth to say something but only smiled.

"Money is not a problem," she said as she locked eyes with me.

"Sure" I mumbled reminding myself to check a few bank statements tomorrow.

We walked into the living area, with high-rise silling, and boxes staked against the wall.

"Still unpacking?" I mumbled.

It's hard when you're doing it all along, but I'm going to put them to bed and you can sit on the couch" She stated before walking away.

I looked around once more, before sitting down.
I threw my head back, and rubbing over my face in exhaustion.

For the last four months I had been on tour, and away from family.

Reality started to set in as I realized I didn't have a home to come back to.

My mind wondered back to the airport. All this time I had been thinking about how I could have handled that situation differently.

"Fuck" I thought.

"Sorry, but the guest room isn't fully ready yet so the couch will have to do for the night"

Jasmine held two blankets in her hand has she approached me.
My eyes glanced over her face as I tried to read her expression. It was blank. .

"Or I could just sleep with you" I said confidently.

She raised an eyebrow as I showed all my teeth through a smile.

"Or you could just find a hotel?" She asked.

"So, that's how you treat your husband?" I said.

She laughed, "husband? Husband has a lot of work to do before he makes it back into that room."

For once I nodded in agreement, but I still wasn't feeling the couch action.

"At least let me sleep at the bottom? Nobody wants to touch you anyway girl" I mumbled the last part.

She threw the blankets in my face, "keep lying to yourself boy" she happily said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I wondered.

"It means tonight you will sleep here, and tomorrow and one of the two guest rooms will be finished and you can hang out in there" she said.

I grabbed her arm and she flopped next to me.

"Yeah, whatever, at least talk to me for a bit" I mumbled.

She looked me up and down, "talk about what?" She asked.

"How have you been?" I said.

"Busy" she mumbled.

"Not thinking about me?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "who I look like? Sam?"

I shrugged my shoulders "Nah, you look a little better"

She pushed my arm, as I laughed.

"But I don't care about her."

I care about us and our family, I want to know what I have to do to fix all of these.

"Is it fixable?" I added.

She took a long pause before answering, "I think it can be" she said.

But that's for you to figure out right now, while I get some sleep.

"King wakes up early" she mentioned.

"Then I'll be up" I said happily.

"When have you ever?" She laughed.

"Now, that's enough of trying to play me for one day", I said.

"Can I at least have a kiss before you go?" I sounded like kid asking for candy.

In all honesty, I hadn't done anything with anyone in these last four months. Not that I wanted to either.

"Good night Dayvon" she said as she walked up the steps.

- sorry, this is kinda a short chapter but I have some drama coming up in the next one 🙃

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now