Chapter 25

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Jasmine's POV:

Author's Note: This is a short chapter and I'm not sure if I even really like it.

#LLKV 🕊🥶
"Nope, I'm not leaving until you eat something." Leah said for the fifth time since I've gotten out the shower.

I'm not hungry, besides get away you look too much like your brother. I said annoyed.

"So do your kids" are you going to send them away too? She asked laughing.

I looked down at King who was sleeping in my arms peacefully.

August and Liberty laid next to me sleeping peacefully.

King looks like me " I said in my defense" And the other two are sleeping.

She laughed loudly as she covered her mouth trying not to awake them. 

"Please just call him back because if he texts or calls me one more time asking about you I'm going to scream . She said

I rolled my eyes "I'm not worried about him" I said.

Part of that wasn't true but I was still upset with both of them.

Maybe if you go to bed you wouldn't have to respond back . I said .

You don't want to know what he's doing ? She asked.

I already know . I said

I really didn't care. He deserved everything that was happened to him . I thought to myself.

"Why are y'all still up?" Shay asked as she peeped through the door .

I rolled my eyes . You're still here ? I asked.

Yea, probably for another two days to be exact. She said .

Your friend is downstairs giving me an evil look . She said in a whisper.

Who? Brittany? I said.

She nodded her head.

I rolled my eyes . "Figures " she had been acting strange .

"It's an extra room down the hall" it's yours if you want it for a few nights. I said.

She nodded her head as she walked back toward the door . "Are you alright ?" She asked .

I nodded my head . "I think so" I thought to myself.

She gave me a light smile before she left out .

"It's okay" if you're not . Leah said . Shit I wouldn't . She mumbled under her breath .

I'm fine . You don't have to stay in here to watch over me like Von told you too. I said .

Her eyes widened brightly.

"Yes, I know " now go . I said.

"Fine" I love you . Call if you need me and I'll come running she said before turning out the light .

My heart started to race a little faster as I was surrounded in darkness again .

King started to move around in my arms a little more as I smiled.

He was already three months and that made me sad .

I placed him in his crib that sat next to me . Only being able to move with one hand was harder than I thought .

I laid flat on my bed as the only things that I could here were the light snores from the kids.

Those soft sounds drifted me off into sleep.

Nightmares soon followed me into my sleep . Cam chased me through long hallways until he finally caught me. I saw my brother standing in the background laughing as he watched. I could no longer hold back my tears.

Jasmine wake up! I heard someone calling my name .

I shot my eyes open as my cheeks were wet from crying .

Von looked at me but an worried look.

I looked next to me as the kids were still sleeping.

The couch that sat at the foot of the bed were full of blankets were i assumed he was laying .

The clock only read 6:30 am . As I hadn't been asleep too long .

"What is it?" He asked in a softer tone.

"Everything" I finally said as I stated to cry more.

He pulled me into his lap as I started to cry even harder.

"It's going to be ok" I promise. He said.

He won't be a problem anymore. Von said.

"And what about my brother?" I asked.

You can't stop him.

I can. And I will. Don't worry about that right now. This will be all over soon. He said as he rubbed my back.

"Here lay back down." He said as he placed me back under the covers.

"Can you stay?" I almost Said in a whisper.

He laid next to me as I laid my head on his chest.

I let the soft beats of his heartbeats put me back to sleep.

Author's Note: I almost forgot about her brother. What about y'all? The drama never stops. It's safe fo say Jas and Von will soon work things out. Who Can stay made at him? 🥺

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now