Chapter 50

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Hey friends! Sorry, I kept you guys waiting for like a month! Life has been crazy, and I has to fall in love with the idea of writing again. I missed you guys though, and hope you're still rocking with the story!

Check in here ❤️‍🔥

Jasmine's POV:

"What are you doing out the bed Jas?" Von asked.

My face stretched together tightly as I looked at him confused.

Jessica's face carried a smile happily.

I could feel my blood boiling slowly, "where else would I be?" I asked.

"Possibly, in bed" it's no need for you to worried about all of this right now, we got it covered.

"We?" I asked slightly aggressive.

The thought of her already being around my kids  didn't sit well with me, and it wouldn't go any further.

"I'm sure he means well" Jessica said.

Von looked confused for a moment, as if he remembered something.

"Jess, what are you still doing here?" He asked.

The thought of him saying her name seemed bounced around her head more than anything.

Calling he by her nickname? "Maybe what she said after all was true" I thought.

"Leah wanted me stay a little long" Jessica said.

"Of course" I thought.

"What?" Von asked.

"Just give us a minute" He added.

It took her a moment to move her, as if she was confused about who she was speaking about.

"She hasn't changed one bit" I thought.

"I know what you're thinking" he said .

I highly doubt it. I said.

He stood in front of me, but the room felt cold, as the distance felt permanently.

King moved slightly in my arms, as I rocked him slowly.

Von's hand moved softly on my arm; "nothing will happen" he mumbled.

You have a bad track record of saying that, right before something actually happens. I mumbled.

I pulled my arm roughly away from his hand, as I placed King back inside his crib.

"I mean that shit hasn't stopped you before from fucking around on me, so I would be the stupid one e to believe that shit" I yelled.

"Yo, don't see you see my son sleeping?" It's no need for you to do all that yelling. He said.

Besides why you bringing up old shit? If I said nothing will happen then it won't.

"Leah wants her here, and you could at least respect that much" she did go through the exact thing and didn't hide herself in a fucking bedroom. He said.

My heart dropped. "Is that what he really thought?" I thought to myself.

"Fuck" he mumbled.

"Jas, I didn't mean it like that" he said.

"Then how did you mean it?" I asked.

"Don't cry" I repeated to myself.

The room was silent again for a moment.

"Don't worry about it" I mumbled before walking out .

"Jasmine!" I heard him say before I stormed out.

"Fucking asshole!" I mumbled.

I bumped into someone inside the hallway.

"I'm glad to see I didn't have to drag you out myself"
Nicki said.

I hugged her tightly, "even when I wanted to get up, my body wouldn't allow it" I whispered.

"Don't worry about it, I understand" she explained.

Walk with me through the  garden? I asked.

She nodded as she took my hand.

The morning breeze hit my face harshly, but I didn't mind.

"So how has Leah been?" She seems to be the only person I haven't ran into this morning.

"She's doing ok" especially since Jessica is here. Nicki mumbled.

I told them it wasn't a good idea, but you know no one ever listens to me. She added.

I let out a soft laugh, " I guess that's fine too" she's allowed to her have her here. The attention has only been on me anyways.

"Part of me felt guilty about that, especially with Von's words lingering in my head."

It didn't only happen to me. I said .

"Yeah, but you seemed to catch the worst part of it." Nicki said .

I can just feel the drama she is trying to cause, and Von still has some small spot for her.

My heart ached at her words.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my place to say" Nicki said.

That's ok, it really isn't hard to see. I mumbled.

"He still loves you" don't forget that.

I took a deep breath " I don't think love can pull us out of this one" I said .

"Jas, never be afraid to speak to me about anything" I love you so much and never want to see you like that.

I nodded my head.

"Why the Fuck would you do that?" Leah said as she stormed near us.

"Do what Leah?" I asked.

Jessica is only here for me! Stopped trying to make her seem like the bad guy in front of Von. Leah said.

"I didn't do anything Leah" I said .

"You have everyone surrounding you!" At least let me have this one thing! Leah screamed.

I mean, you do remember that I was there as well! She screamed .

"I'm hurting but I don't get to check out!" Next time you decide to do that at least make sure your kids have someone to take care of them. You should at least me thinking Jessica. Leah shouted.

"Leah! You have taken this too far. Nicki yelled.

"Someone needed to tell her" she mumbled before she walked away.

"Don't take it personally Jas" Nicki said.

I nodded my head as I walked in the opposite direction.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now