Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Please don't forget to like and comment if you are enjoying this book! It really helps me. Sorry for any mispronunciations or anything! I will edit.


Von's POV:

I woke up on the edge of the bed as the sun shinned bright in my eyes.

"Man, what the  fuck?" I thought to myself.

My head was pounding as I tried to sit up.

Jasmine head laid across my arm, while Liberty laid next to her. August laid at the bottom of the bed.

I slipped my arm from underneath her head smoothly.

I stood up slowly, walking inside the   bathroom to brush my teeth.

Vibrations from from my  phone sounded loudly, as I picked it up.

My Instagram notifications were going crazy with the pictures we posted from last night.

People still wanted to know what really happened with Asian and me.

I was in love with Jasmine, and  it was a prefect hood love story but our only downfall would always be me.

I was trying, but wasn't sure if my best was good enough.

I placed my phone back down, while putting my toothbrush away.

I shook my head slowly, already knowing what the rest of the house looked like if my room was full.

I couldn't even get none, with all these kids laid up.

"Fuck it." It wouldn't be any harm in trying, I thought to myself.

I slowly started to kiss on Jasmine's neck, as she let out a low moan which caused me to smile into her neck.

"Not right now Von." She said softly.

"Girl, I'm just trying to lick on you. "

They sleep anyways. I said as I kissed down towards her breast. 

"If they hear you, it's because you can't control your yourself." I said

Once she had this baby, I could do what I really wanted to do. I thought to myself.

"Move boy," she said as she pushed me back on the other side.

She stood up, as she walked into the bathroom.

"From back here she was a 10 on the scale."

I kissed my babies, as Liberty started to wake up. I swear she looked just like me with her mother's attitude.

"Don't look at me like that lil folks." That's the same way your momma look at me when she mad.

"Can dada get a kiss?"I asked.

She turned her head as I laughed.

Keep that same energy with all them lil dudes when you get older. I'll kill anybody over you too.

I picked her up as we walked downstairs. Gang and them were laid all over the place. I pulled out the phone to go live.

"Damn, what y'all doing up so early?"

Y'all must not work. I said to everybody in the live.

I knew the opps were lurking, especially them ho ass dudes in Atlanta.

My momma was in the kitchen, making breakfast talking with Durk momma.

"Damn ma, we just got back yesterday, how y'all get this food?" I said putting Liberty down.

I sent Roy to the store. She said.

I nodded as I went back into the living room. Roy was laid on the coach.

"Don't let Jasmine see you laying like that gang." You know she be on some other stuff. I said laughing.

He shook his head. "Jasmine know what's up with me."

Jasmine knows what? She said coming down from the stairs. Get your feet off my table too Roy. What's wrong with you? She asked.

He quickly sat up, taking his feet down. I laughed while I was reading the comments. Everyone was clowning Roy.

Damn, y'all fucking in my house too? I heard Jasmine say.

Who? I questioned as I walked behind her into a room she was in.

I saw Jasmine and the homine Tommy together. 

I laughed even harder. Yo, Tommy not with this girl. I said. Only reason Brittany was even here was because her and Jasmine were raised together. I didn't even like her ass then. Word had been going around that she liked to set people up and her ass was a hoe.

Bro, she was offering so who am I to pass up on It? Tommy said.

Shut the fuck up, Brittany said.

"Yo, Tommy you know you wrong for that!" Durk said with Nicki behind him. Shut the door so the kids won't see them.

Von, We gotta get ready. Fivio  touching down in the Chi today so y'all can do the music video.

Word? I said.

I got you. We bout to turn the block out. I said.

Fivio coming here? Jasmine asked happily.

Damn, I've never seen you get that happy about me. I said. Pipe down baby.

Shut up Von. If he don't have my girl Ciara with him, then I could care less. She said.

I need some money anyways, Jasmine said.

What's new? I mumbled.

What's the point of you working? She said.

True , true. Anything for my baby girl. I said.

It's like 20k upstairs. Use that. I said.

Damn bro, that mean she gone expect me to give her something like that too.  Durk said.

I laughed.

Whatever bro! Just go get ready and meet me back here in an hour. I said.

Tommy, I need some money too Brittany said.

He glanced at her before laughing.

I shook my head. She shouldn't be doing anything expecting handouts. I thought to myself.

Author's Note: This is possibly my last update until the new year! We will see unless I do a special chapter for Von and Jas! Would y'all like that? Anyways in these upcoming chapters we going shopping and to the block! #LLKV

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now