Chapter 7

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Author's Note: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been tuning in with this story! Please hit the like button!


Jasmine's POV:

Brittany, did you let Tommy hit? You gotta stop doing that hoe shit before everyone in the Chi find out. Nicki said as we walked through the mall.

I tried my best to hold my laugh in.

"Bitch shut the hell up" That's how I make my money. Just because y'all are in relationships with the two biggest players in Chicago doesn't mean everyone can be like y'all. Brittany said.

I rolled my eyes. Britt, it's not even about that. It's not the easiest thing in the world to be with them. I said unpleased.

Nicki nodded in agreement. Besides Roy wanted to be with you when we were younger but you stayed playing him out. If you keep running through their friends, you will just be giving them a reason to think something bad about you. I'm just telling you because you are like a sister to me. I'll always have your back. I always give you money so why are you out here sleeping with these dudes to get money? I asked.

"Fuck you, Jasmine." You walk around here like you have the best relationship. He is probably still with you because you have all these damn kids. She said.

I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt my feelings.

"Brittany, why do you always have to take it too far?" Nicki said. Jasmine only trying to help you. If it wasn't for her where would you be?

I wanted to cry. I'm ready to have this baby. I thought.

I looked back at Jeremiah; I knew he hated being on watch duty with us. I told Von we didn't need any Security.

"Meet us by the car Jeremiah," Nicki said.

I know our relationship isn't perfect, and I will never try to make it perfect because that shit wouldn't be real. I said. Now drop the fucking conversation. I said.

Brittany didn't say anything but looked the other way.

"That's my girl," Nicki said. I laughed rolling my eyes.

Yo, Britt, that's you? A man said from behind us.

"I know that's not who the fuck I think it Is," Nicki said.

Daniel? I whispered.

Danny! Brittany yelled out as she ran into his arms.

Nicki and I glanced at each other.

"Why the fuck is she talking to him?" I thought. She knows Von and them don't click well with his crew.

He glanced our way as we looked the other way. He handed her a stack of money before walking off.

Brittany walked back towards us happily.

Bitch, I know you're not the smartest in the world but you know we don't fuck with them Nicki yelled towards Brittany.

So what? I'm my own, person! It's not like I'm trying to marry him! I take care of him and he makes sure I'm good.

Brittany if you love us, please leave him alone. Nothing good will come out of this. I said.

Alright, Jasmine. She said. I nodded my head. We speak nothing of them.

I'm only glad Jeremiah wasn't here.

We walked towards the car quietly. No one spoke as we drove through town.

Ugh, Please don't tell me we are going to O-Block. Brittany said.

"Bitch shut up! we grew up there I said."

So? Brittany said.

Besides this is where they are shooting the video at.

"It's too hot for all of this," Brittany whined.

You barely have anything on I glanced at her. She had a crop top on with shorts. Her red heels matched her top and her weave was placed in a high ponytail.

"That was the point of you getting your hair done like that right?" I asked.

"Whatever, you wish Von would let you dress like this," She said.

I'm good. I said

We here! Nicki said gladly getting out of the car.

Brittany stepped out behind her. I shook my head.

I stepped out behind her. The block was hot. Everyone seemed to be out here.

"Oh shit! Little is back on the block. Jalen said walking up towards me.

I laughed, Boy I'm older than you. I said.

I hugged him as much as my stomach would allow. "Y'all have to slow down on the kids." You look good tho. He said.

Thank you, make sure you are staying out of trouble. I said.

"Why you all up on my girl!" Von said before behind him.

My bad folks! Jalen said laughing.

Shut up, Von. I said.

He wasn't wearing a shirt, only had his O-block chain on with jeans.

Damn, Jas if you take a picture it will last longer. Von said.

I rolled my eyes. Boy, you're not all that.

Wanna bet? He said as he kissed my lips.

Why are you wearing that short dress? He asked.

Damn, even when I'm pregnant he thinks someone wants me. I thought.

And didn't y'all go to the shop to get your hair done? Why didn't Brittany get her's done? He said.

Jalen laughed as I pushed him into his arm.

Damn, even when we are in the city Von is trying to keep you hidden? Ciara said.

I laughed as I hugged her.

"She too fine to be seen," Von said.

Tell me, you have like 5 million followers on Instagram! How do you do that? She asked

"Girl I have no idea," I said truthfully.

Ya'll ready? We about to head into the city to grab some food and finish up here later, Von asked.

I nodded my head.

Who is that pulling up in that black truck? Von asked.

This is just my home girl from Atlanta! I hope y'all don't mind, Ciara said.

It's cool, Von said.

Two females stepped out of the car!

Leah! I'm over here, Ciara said.

The other girl looked in our direction, and I noticed it was Asia.

Author's Note: Whew! That was a lot! How is y'all feeling about Brittany? Is she jealous of Jasmine? Did Ciara know her friend was bringing Asia? What the fuck is going to happen?

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