Chapter 35

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Author's Note: Where all my day ones at ? I miss y'all commenting! Y'all still rocking with us? Let me know!


Von's POV:

What the hell is wrong with you? I asked Raven as I pulled her outside.

She glanced at me for a moment, "what are you talking about?" She asked.

Why the Fuck would you say all that shit to her ? I asked .

You know how that Shìt looks . I added .

"I'm sorry " I thought she would just like me a little more . Raven said.

Folks why do you care if she likes you? We already knows she doesn't because I know you . I said honestly.

At least try to work the shit in. I said .

"She really doesn't know much about me does she?" Raven asked .

Why would I tell her about you? The shit we had going on was only lust . You were a good friend and shit ended up turning into more than what I needed to happen for like two nights. I told you we were better off as friends and that shit happened five years ago; I said.

Why the Fuck do you keep bringing that up? I know how you feel . You don't have to keep throwing that in my face . She said .

"Maybe this was a mistake asking y'all to come here." I said.

Why did y'all asked Sammie and I to come? To rub your new life in our faces? To show us how happy y'all are with your families? She yelled.

"Keep your voice down." I said.

We told y'all to come down because y'all like family to us. We wanted to make sure y'all were good. I said.

That shit that happened in the past with all of us needs to stay that way. I said

Just chill the fuck out. Jasmine will come around. Why you trying so hard to be friends with her anyway? I don't see Sammie doing all of that.

"Maybe she has something else on her mind." Raven said under her breath.

"Maybe we should just go back to New York" I don't want to cause anymore problems. Raven said.

I shook my head. Why the Fuck did I just buy a new condo for y'all if you talking about going back? Didn't you say you wanted to get away from your crash as ex anyway ? I said.

"I just don't want to cause anymore problems." She said.

My son and I have been good in New York with Sammie and her son TJ so I'm sure we will figure it out.

Besides I wouldn't want Jasmine to find out about you buying me a condo. She said.

She seems like a cool person but her friend and your sister hold her down tight. Leah acts like she doesn't even remember me. Raven said.

I looked back toward the kitchen window as Jasmine was holding King as she laughed with Nicki.

Yeah, she is sweet that's why they go so hard about her . Shit we all do. I said .

A moment of silence filled the gap between us.

"Yeah I can tell." She said.

Besides Leah has never been a big fan of you after she found out who you really were and what we had going on at the moment.

Will she say anything? Raven asked.

"Most likely no." But she will raise hell with me. But that shit is over between and you. I just want to make sure y'all good because you were there for me when I needed you and I'm going to be here now to better you.

How will Jasmine feel about that? What will you tell her? Raven questioned.

Hopefully she will understand, but I'm not sure. I said honestly.

"Just keep your distance for a while." You don't need to be friends with her. I don't need that type of drama in my life right now. I added.

Fine, if that's what you want. But just know I'll always be here for you. She said.

I only nodded my head.

"How is she feeling after last night?" Raven asked.

"She's good." I said not totally sure about my answer.

"Why don't you really just ask her?" Raven said.

I know how she feels and I have to fix the shit. That's all it is to it. JB has created a enough bullshit for us.

Mommy, my stomach hurts. I heard a voice say.

I glanced down as a little boy stood in front of us.

Raven bent down "baby did you eat too much?" She asked.

I think so. He said. 

I looked at  him closer as I had a bad feeling in my stomach.

"He has the same eyes as me." I thought to myself.

Baby this is Von. My friend that I wanted you to meet. This is August and Liberty's dad. She said happily.

"Hi"  he said.

I voice seemed to be caught in the back of my throat.

"What's up gang." I finally said.

His name is Daquan. She said as her eyes lit up.

"How old is he? I asked.

He's turning 5 in a few months.

The last time I saw her was about 5 and a half months ago. I thought to myself.

Who is his dad ? I asked .

She laughed nervously "does it matter?" She said.

Yes. I said.

He's not yours if that's what you're asking.

"I'll just talk to you later." I need to find Sammie and Tj and get Daquan home. She said as she walked away.

I stood there for a moment trying to convince myself that what I was thinking wasn't true .

What the Fuck is wrong with you ? I heard a voice say from behind me.

I tuned around as Leah stood in front of me .

I always knew you were a little crazy but this shit with you bringing her here is just dumb as fuck! Y'all bringing both of them here is dumb as Fuck! When are they leaving? She asked.

"They not." I said slowly. And stop talking out the side of your neck gang. I know you my sister and all but don't play with a gangster. I said.

Von, seriously? I'm not doing this shit with you or hiding shit like this from them.

Leah don't say shit. I said as I grabbed her arm. Besides that shit happened when Jas and I were going through some shit. I was fucked up at the time. I said honestly.

Yeah, and what are you now? She asked.

"I'm nothing!" We are just helping them out. They had a lot of shit going on in New York.

There are 48 other states they could have moved to. So what is New York wasn't working out for them. Chicago isn't the place for them. She said.

"That girl is still madly in love with you Von." She said .

I knew that . I thought to myself.

Just don't say shit and I'll handle the rest. I said .

I can't lie to them. She said .

You're not lying to them Leah. I said before I walked away.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now