Special Chapter

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Author's Note: Okay! I'm keeping my promise and doing an update (Special Chapter) I hope everyone is doing well. (This is not edited )

Von decided that he and Jasmine needed a vacation. They sat side by side on his private plane. He didn't tell her where they would be spending the next few days.

She didn't like surprises, but he was surprised she hadn't figured it out yet. Jasmine wasn't too happy about not being able to pack her suitcase either. It would have given away the surprise, so Von had Leah do everything for her.

Von, please tell me where we are going. Jasmine begged. Von tried to keep a straight face but it wasn't working out and he cracked a smile.

Chill out, we will be there soon. He said. Jasmine's mind was so preoccupied with a location that her fear of flying was thrown out the window.

Von just admired her for a moment. He knew he was lucky to have someone stick by his side no matter what.

Her chocolate skin glowed brightly to match her brown eyes.

Everything had to be perfect, Von knew that much. These last few years had been hell and he knew she deserved more than he could ever give her.

Love ran deep for her. They grew up together and he knew every part of her as did she.

"Baby, please tell me." Jasmine tried again. This time she sat in his lap which instantly caught his attention.

Jasmine licked her lips as she gazed into his eyes. Von tried to look anywhere but at her but it didn't work.

Her mouth turned into a small grin for a split second as she kissed him on his neck. She rubbed her hands through his hair gently.

His body relaxed instantly, more so than ever.

Jasmine, don't start anything you can't finish. Von said slowly.

"I'm not, you just can't handle it."

Von flipped her over as her back was facing him. He slipped her red dress up and placed two fingers inside of her.

To her surprise, she gasped for air.

Von kept his pace in a back-and-forth motion. Her calls from him turned him on even more as she begged for more.

In a split moment, he stopped and she looked confusedly for an explanation.

"I thought you wanted to see where we were going." He said.

Jasmine's mind was still in a daze. She was so wrapped around him she didn't realize they had landed.

"We will have all the time for me to do anything you liked," Von promised. He would anyway.

She took a peek out the window and her eyes widen.

Mexico? She screamed happily.

Von, laughed as he nodded his head.

He knew how much she wanted to come, and wanted that dream to come true.

She jumped in his arms again as he caught her happily.

"Thank you, I love you, baby." She said.

I love you more, he promised.

Many people waited on them as they walked off the plane with all smiles.

He ensured they would have the whole beach to themselves for the next few days.

Von tipped everyone who helped them before sending them on their way. Jasmine looked around happily as roses, and food were all around.

He wanted this forever.

He would make sure he would.

Author's Note: Sorry about this being very short! Hope y'all still liked it.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now