Chapter 9

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Author's Note: Thank ya'll for rocking with me! Leave a like and comment! Obviously with everything going on we differently have someone telling Von's business and every move. Who could it be? The deepest way to hurt Von is by getting at the people he love! ( I KNOW I STILL NEED TO EDIT)


Von's POV: 

Somebody like me has seen blood all their life, but this time it was different. Somebody I loved more than anything was dying before my eyes. 

"What the fuck is taking so long with the car?" I yelled as I pressed down on Jasmine's stomach. 

My heart was racing as I thought about her and the baby. 

"Jas, hold on baby" Nicki cried. 

My truck pulled around to the front of the building. 

We should wait for the ambulance to get here. Brittany said. 

"We have no time" I said as I picked Jasmine up in my arms. Clear this fucking place.

I placed Jasmine in the back seat, as Leah jump into the passenger seat. 

Roy, quickly took off down the road passing each red light insight. '

Von? Jasmine whispered. 

I took my shirt off, as I placed it on her stomach. Blood quickly filled it as I pressed down. 

"Just hold on Jas, we will be there in a few minutes. 

Blood started to roll out of her mouth, as she slowly drifted in and out. 

"We have to hurry up, I don't know how much longer she can go like this." I yelled. 

I couldn't loose her. I thought. 

Who the fuck did this? I asked Roy. 

He gave me a blank look through the mirror. 

I glanced out the window, as I noticed we were at the hospital. 

I quickly jumped out, running towards the other side to get Jasmine out. I was worried that she wasn't breathing anymore as we walked inside. 

"We need some help over here" Leah yelled. 

Jasmine's blood was dripping on the floor as I held her in my arms. 

Many nurse rushed towards her with a bed near by. I gently laid her down as they rushed to her side.

How far along is she? A nurse asked. 

8 months, I said as I grabbed into her hand. 


24, I said. 

24-year-old female 8 months pregnant with a gun shot womb towards her left rib. A nurse called out. 

"Sir, we need you to step to the  side so we can help her." Another woman said. 

My mind was clouded. I didn't want to let her go without me. 

Von? Leah said pushing me back. 

They quickly rolled her into a nearby room as I stood in the doorway. 

"They will be ok" Leah said. 

I don't know that. I said. I could feel a tear roll down my face. 

She embraced me in a hug. 

"Bro, you need to put the phone away, this is a personal manner." I heard Roy say. 

I tuned around as a guy held his phone out recording. 

"Put the fucking phone away and get the fuck out of here." Durk said as he walked up behind him. 

Rest of the gang was behind him, waiting for the next move. 

The man took off running the other way. 

I slowly turned as I heard a baby cry. 

"Were loosing her, I heard a voice say." My heart beat started to pump faster. 

"Starting chest compressions." A doctor said. 

Leah held my hand tight. 

"We have her stable again." A nurse yelled. 

I let out a breathe that I didn't know I was holding in. 

Where the fuck is my sister at? I heard someone say. 

In that moment, I knew it was Jacob. That was my whole surprise for the day. Jasmine didn't know JB was coming home day. 

JB cool out. Roy said as he stepped to him. 

Yo, Roy you better move out the way and remember who you coming at like that. 

V.Roy, how the fuck did this happen? He asked. Who the fuck did this? 

We don't know yet. I said truthfully. 

Ya'll don't know? What type of answer is that? 

Chill the fuck out. I don't need this right now. I said. 

Yeah, clearly you don't that's why my sister nephew in the other room fighting for their life. 

I glanced at him. "Gang what?" Durk and I been holding shit down for the last 3 years since you been gone. 

I stepped closer to him as he pushed forward. 

We will need order in this room before I ask everyone to leave a nurse said. 

Ya'll both need to chill the fuck out. Durk said as he stepped in the middle of us. We all family, and this shit you two are doing is not helping. 

Family of Jasmine Black? A male said. 

We all turned to be greeted by a male who looked to be in his late 60s. 

The baby-boy is healthy, and Jasmine is expected to make a full recovery. She is still resting at the moment. 

Please keep the visitations at a limit. 

We got you G. We about to start looking for these dudes now. T-Roy whispered in my ear. 

"Be careful, the block is about to be hot with this one." I said. 

Slowly, I walked into the room where Jasmine was. 

A baby crib sat near the way as a Nurse held the baby. 

Leah, walked in behind me as she looked at him. 

Von, he looks just like you. She said happily. 

What are we going to call him? 

I humped my shoulders. "I'll wait on Jasmine" I said honestly. 

Fear creeped in me, as I looked her. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I didn't know what I was going to say to her.

I've never put my family in danger. Who ever did this would pay deeply. They almost cost me everything so they would receive that back ten times harder. 

I grabbed her hand gently. 

I'm sorry. I whispered softly.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now