Chapter 64

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** AND WE BACK! SAY HI HERE* -------->

Jasmine's POV:

My phone buzzed on my nightstand, as I had plans to switch towards the other side of the bed.

"What?" I answered in my sleepy tone.

"Jas-- bitch, you better not still be sleep" Nicki yelled on the other side of the phone.

My eyes shot open as I sat my head up a little too fast and bumped into Liberty.

"Why are you in here Lib?" I questioned rubbing her forehead.

"So you are still in the bed hoe?" Nicki said.

"Wait- is Von there too?" She added.

"No!" I shouted.

She paused a moment on the other side of the phone and swept my feet onto the cold hardwood floor wrapping my robe around my body.

"Is that no to von? or no to still being in the bed?" She teased.

"Both, I mumbled."

"I'm on my way," I said before hanging up.

I dragged myself to the bathroom and splashed water onto my face.

"Fuck" I said.

"Mommy, that's a bad word" Liberty shouted.

"Sorry, baby" I mumbled.

I was exhausted, as the baby kept me up for half of the night. He picked a fine night to start teething again.

"See I would have helped last night if you would have let me," Von said from the doorway.

I rolled my eyes while brushing my teeth in a circular motion.

He was eating a bowl of cereal, as the milk slowly dripped off his bottom lip.

Quickly, I pushed my head back towards the sink as my body tensed up.

"Aye, girl" I know you have an extra toothbrush around here somewhere, he said.

He stood a few inches away from me, his white-beater hugged around his mussles tightly, while his hair hung in front of his face.

I would be lying if I didn't say he looked good.

Creating enough distance between us; I walked back towards the door "Under the cabinet" I mumbled.

Oh, "Mr. Father of the Year I need you to watch the kids until the babysitter gets here in a few hours," I said.

"See you trying to get your jokes off early this morning" He gasped.

"Where are you going?" to see Dave East?

My heart skipped a beat, "Who?" I said.

I held my back towards the closet door, thankful for him not being able to see my facial expression.

"Yeah, don't get quiet now" He mumbled.

"I'll see you tonight, tell Nic I said happy birthday," He said before walking out.

"Come on baby girl, let's go fix you some breakfast" I heard him say.


"Wait, what happened with Dave?" "And Von said what?"

"Truthfully, I went on one small date with Dave, one drink turned into six and before I knew it we were back in his hotel room, doing the act that only lasted about five minutes, and I left" I blurted out to Nicki.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now