Chapter 28

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Authors NOTE: Y'all still rocking with this book?

#LLKV 💙🐐🕊

Von's POV:

*Earlier that day *

I watched as Jasmine had finally fell asleep. I creeped from underneath her gently placing the covers back over her.

I watched her for a moment as I thought about all we had been through over the years. She had been more solid than any bitch I've ever fucked with.

I walked out the room making sure to shut the door softly .

"Yo Grandson Jr you ready to go? " I asked August.

I laughed as he and Angelo were playing the game . They remind me of Durk and I when we were younger .

Y'all ready? We gone meet Durk and the studio then get some food .

Both of them jumped up at the mention of food .

"We down to the go to the studio if some girls their." But uncle Von you and dad can't talk to them. Angelo said looking towards me.

Folks, y'all only 4 what y'all know about sone girls? I asked laughing .

They both looked each other before saying together "y'all."

Boy, y'all need to chill out. Don't let y'all momma's here y'all talking like that either or I'm dead.

They both nodded their head.

"Daddy! Can I come?" Liberty asked as she hugged onto my leg tightly.

Lib, this is only for the guys only. Beside you're too young. August complained.

I'm 3! She said happily.

"Which makes me older than you." Mommy said you still have to listen to me because I'm your big brother. He said.

"Baby, It's only the guys today." Besides your going to have fun with the girls here. I told her as I kissed her cheeks.

She looked up at me with her brown eyes like her mother has.

"Don't give me that look." Who taught you that? Your mother? I asked.

She just ran off laughing.

"All these females in the house were going to be the death of me." I thought as we walked downstairs.

Can me talk? Brittany asked as she motioned from me to meet her in a bedroom downstairs.

"Y'all go outside to the car ." I'm coming. I said to the boys .

They walked outside as I turned around towards her. "What?" I asked annoyed.

I was still mad as hell that she had kissed me last night. That shit was crazy.

She looked everywhere besides at me as she sat on the bed.

"Come and sit with me for a moment." She said.

Girl what the Fuck do you want? I asked again.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now