Chapter 53

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Happy New Year to All! I wish you guys nothing but the best this year for you and your family! Let me know in the comments if you guys have any big plans this year! For myself I want to take my writing to another level and I hope to be able to start and finish up my own put that can be published one day! I was also thinking about starting my YouTube channel back up! What ya'll think? Hopefully, one day you guys can buy one of my books out the store! Stay safe guys! 

Jasmine's POV: 

 I grasp the glass between my hands even though the coldness from wine started to leave droplets and ran smoothly in-between my hands.

 My hands reacted swiftly against the coldness, but my mind was too much of a train-wreck to notice it. 

From the side of my eye, in which tried to grasp me out of my own head, I could see Nicki glancing at me with a blank expression. 

"Why are you stressed about it?" she asked. 

Again, I sat motionless as if my body was glued to the chair. 

"It's only lunch Jas" Besides, I'm sitting here with you. She said. 

"Dayvon will kill me if he finds out about this" Why would you set us up to have lunch with Chris and not even tell me until we got here? I asked worriedly. 

Her eyes glanced around the room as if something else demanded her attention. 

"Get ready to call us Marco and Polo, because I will be laid right beside you if Durk finds out." 

Her laughter filled the room as a smirk started to creep into the crips of my lips. 

The clock above the door entrances strike noon, as Chris started too warned over towards us with a man about his height following right behind him. 

Abandoning, my stressful thoughts to look away from him, I only glanced harder as I started to notice how handsome he was. 

I was under the impression that he was around 6'4 with a short cut fade, and the way that the sunlight bounced off of his Carmel skin he demanded the attention in the room. 

"Ladies" he spoked as he reached the table. 

In a glanced I was ripped away from my daydreaming thoughts, as my heartbeat took a turn for the worst and I was sure that it could be heard over the classical music being placed. 

I pinched my bottom lip with teeth, which has become a habit of mine over time. I only managed to nod my head as he smiled. 

"That's very sexy, the way you bite your lip" He said almost a inch from my face as he sat next to be. 

"Don't blush, it's only a friendly lunch" I reminded myself. 

Instead I pushed the wine glass towards my lips and looked in the other direction. 

His smirk turned into a smile, as he greeted Nicki. 

"This is one of good friends Emmett" Chris said. 

I glanced at him as he nodded his head. He was around the same height as Chris but the only difference was that he was a darker tone with light brown eyes. He reminded me of dark chocolate. 

"So this is the great Jasmine Iv'e  been hearing so much about?" Emmett asked as he showed me his million dollar smile. 

Once more, the excited I allowed myself to feel was gone. 

"He was speaking about me?" I thought to myself. 

He had only saw me once, with only a few words being shared, it's not like we talked too much in high school anyways. 

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now