Chapter 49

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Author's Note: I know I have a lot of people complaining that it takes me a long time to update! I'm sorry 🙃 I'm 24-years-old, working a full time job, and I'm in graduate school full time. Most of my days are pretty full and the only free day that I have is on Sunday's. I don't have any pre-written chapters and normally it takes me about 45 minutes to write a chapter. Thank you to everyone who has been patient with my unscheduled updates and I will try to get on a schedule! Are y'all still down for a Part 2 (younger days) for this story?

Leah's  POV:

"Maybe we should go and see if everything is okay" Nicki asked once more as Jasmine's screams flowed throughout the house.

"No, let him be the one to handle this" I said.

My attention was cut short, as Jessica strolled throughout the house with her suitcase.

"Where are you going?" I asked weirdly.

I knew it was a risk having her here, as the situation between her, Von, and Jasmine was Rocky; but she was once my best friend. I still had that bond with her. She was the only thing that made me feel comfortable after my accident. Jonny wasn't back yet , and I couldn't bare to tell him over the phone.

Her eyes bounced between Nicki and I before she opened her mouth.

"Von wants me to leave" she said.

"About time" Nicki mumbled.

I shot a glare her way before she turned around to drink a glass of water.

"Why would he do that? I asked.

She was the only person keeping me contained, after my accident. Everyone was wrapped around Jasmine and her needs.

"I kissed him"  she mumbled.

Nicki started to spit up some of the water she had.

"You did what?" I questioned Jessica.

Her eyes widened as she looked over my face, "I kissed Von, but I really didn't mean too" she said in a hurry.

My eyebrows pulled together tightly "how is that even possible? Did he kiss you first?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes" she said unhappily.

My eyes glanced up the staircase as I heard a glass being broken.

"Why would he do that?" I asked before she could question my worried eyes.

"He wouldn't do that" Nicki said.

Jessica rolled her eyes as she looked at Nicki "it's not like he hasn't before" she explained.

"You're really going to believe her?" Nicki questioned.

My wondering eyes scanned both of their faces.

Obviously, she came here to complete a mission that doesn't include repairing your friendship Nicki stated.

Jessica's voice grumbled, "what would you know? It's not like you haven't always been jealous of me anyways."

Nicki's laugher burst through the kitchen, "jealous of what?" She questioned.

"I just don't trust you as far as I can throw you" And believe me, I can't throw very far. Nicki said.

I sighed, as I was getting too tired of them going back and forth.

Jessica tighten her lips together for a moment as she chose her next words carefully, "I didn't come here to break up anyone's happy home" if that's what you want to call it."

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now