Chapter 27

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Author's Note: someone asked me to start a story on pop smoke! I listened to pop but I didn't follow him too well. I could try though. What y'all think? FYI to all the people who be in my message; of course I didn't know Von personally but I write him as how I thought he would be with his girl and friends. Some people have told me that I write about him in a soft way?? Tf that mean? I truly believe that Von did have a soft spot for people that he deeply cared about . If you do not like it then don't read :) btw I love y'all !

#LLKV 💙🕊

Jasmine's POV:

The sun was setting when I awoke.

"What the Fuck?" I thought to myself. Why didn't anyone wake me up.

I looked next to me and found an empty spot were Von once laid.

Quickly I rolled my eyes before I caught my own actions of doing so.

"Your finally awake?" Leah asked happily as she walked through the door.

Is it so hard for you knock? I asked.

"It doesn't matter I came in here like every hour since Von left. Leah said.

He didn't want anyone to wake you up so we all have been waiting.

I nodded my head slowly. "Where did he go?" I asked.

Ion know. They all took the boys with them about an hour ago. She said unsure.

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up after him and Brittany were arguing next door. She added.

I quickly raised an eyebrow, "arguing about what?" I asked with a hit of confusion.

How am I suppose to know? When aren't they yelling at each other when they speak. She said l.

But in a closed room? I thought to myself.

I slowly nodded my head as I dropped the conversation with Leah .

"I'm going to take a shower and then I'll be down. I said.

Do you need help? She asked pointing to my arm.

"No I'll be okay." I said

Don't hurt yourself or anything because Von will kill me.

I had to beg for him to leave you with us for a while. She said.

I laughed at the thought of him possibly trying to kill his own sister.

I quickly turned on the shower as I lifted my shirt up.

My back were covered in marks that were only starting to clear up.

My mind thought back to Cam as I quickly shook that memory of him out my head.

No matter how much I wanted to forget, I wasn't able to. I thought to myself.

A tear rolled down my eyes, followed my many more as I let the warm water run down my body.

As I stepped out the shower I wiped off the fog that was covering the mirror.

My eyes were puffy as I wiped my tears away.

I covered myself in a black long-sleeve shorts with leggings as I placed my gucci rope around me. I didn't want to take a chance of any of my scars being shown until they were healed up.

I quickly walked out into the bedroom as Leah was laid across the bed.

Didn't we agree that we would meet downstairs ? I asked.

Yeah, but I wanted to wait. She said.

Why were you crying? She asked.

I wasn't. I said quickly.

You were Jas, I know you . She said .

I only smiled. "I'm fine" I said more happily.

We walked downstairs as I was greeted with thousands of balloons. A table full of food and drinks were set up around the table near the tv. I smiled happily.

"Do you like it?" Nicki asked.

It's cool l. I said.

"I know you did all of this." I said.

"Anything for my baby." She said.

Brittany and Shay were already sitting on the couch as Leah sat near holding Literby with Bella right beside her.

Her face lit up once she saw me.

"Hi mommy" she screamed as she ran up to hug me .

Hey baby! I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Daddy left with the boys but said I had to stay here with the girls." I wanted to stay anyway.

"Auntie Nicki did Bella and my hair." She said happily.

Her hair was braid up into a ponytail.

It's pretty babygirl I said happily.

"Hey Auntie Jas." Bella said.

I kissed her on her cheek as she hugged my neck.

I could see Brittany roll her eyes as she watched us.

"What's up with you?" I said.

Who? She said.

I glanced around the from for a moment. "You"
I said.

You've been acting different since I've been back. You haven't even really spoken to me . I said a little hurt.

Girl, it's nothing wrong with me. I've just been doing me. Beside you need your space. At least that's what's Von said.

Brittany listening to Von now ? I asked.

Sounds weird to me so what's really up? I asked as I took a step closer.

"There you acting like he really that important." Don't check for me, maybe you need to check with him.

"But you're hear right now, so what's up?" I said in a demanding tone.

Brittany, you have been wilding lately. You need to chill out, that shit not cool. Leah said stepping me .

Brittany rolled her eyes "Here you go jumping in a battle that has nothing to do with you." Brittany said.

I know that's your brother but damn, I see why he do you the way he do you Jasmine." Brittany said.

Anger was growing throughout my body.

"Please do tell Brittany." You have never kept anything in before now so tell me now.

Clam down yall. Nicki said.

"Sorry Shay, they always like this." She said.

I see why yo ass always getting taking advantage of or taken. All they do is enable your ass Jasmine. How did you even end up with somebody like him? She said.

Yo,  Brittany chill out you're taking to far now .

To be honest you have always hated on her relationship because you want something like that. Even through Jasmine has always had your back against all of us. Ion even know why you coming at her like that. Sit down and chill the fuck out. Nicki yelled.

I glared at Brittany not understanding why she was acting that way.

She sat down as the room still felt heavy in the air?

"Y'all haven't started the move yet?" Von asked as he walked in.

"Oh look" the man of the hour. Leah said.

I rolled my eyes as I sat down .

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now