Chapter 67

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------> BACK AGAIN

Von's POV: 

Jas, didn't mumble a word towards me the whole plane ride. She barely interacted with Lila, only giving her short answers whenever she asked something. 

"Dumb ass hoes always trying to fuck up something I have," I thought to myself. 

I was adding fire to the flames that I had already created. 

My eyes glanced toward Jasmine who just scrolled through her phone, smiling. 

"Who are you texting?" I asked curiously. 

She looked at me with her eyebrows pulled together tightly. 

"Just put your glasses back on if you're planning on giving me those dirty-ass looks the whole trip" I mumbled at her. 

Lila kicked my leg, with a warning facial expression. 

She hated being in the mix of an argument but disliked it even more when it was two people she loved.

I couldn't help it though. My patience was thin, and Jas always pushed too hard regarding my feelings.  

Overall, I was a thug in love. 

"Are you planning on keeping your dick in your pants this trip?" Jasmine asked bluntly.

"And not with me?" She mumbled afterward. 

My eyes were met with the side of her head, as she had turned back towards the window. 

"Man, what?" I said. 

"What did you not understand about my question?" She challenged turning her whole body to face mine.

"Jas--" Leah warned. 

Most of everyone in the distance could hear our conversations, but that didn't matter because whenever I pushed she pulled. 

" Girl--" I started to say before, before Durk tugged on my shoulder pulling me out of my chair. 

"Let's hit up the bar gang," He said walking towards the back of the plane.  

Duke followed us, bursting into laughter as soon as the door shut. 

"Gang- ion, know if you have been dumb or slow all these years, but you two haven't changed at all," He said. 

"What?" I mumbled. 

Duke was my homie, but he always stared a little too long or touched a little too much. 

"I'm just saying my sister and her hoe as friends shouldn't be a reason your relationship is in shambles, just be careful gang," he said. 

My eyes whined in curiosity, "Careful for what?" I asked. 

He shoved the Hennessey down his throat before slamming the glass down on the table. 

"I'm just saying, Jas is a pretty girl." You never know who may be lurking to grab your position. 

"Gang let's stay out of their business," Durk said. 

"We're just here for a good time with the family" He added. 

I rubbed my forehead in frustration before slamming my glass down on the table and heading back to my seat. 

The kids were sitting in our area when I arrived back. August was sitting next to Leah, King in Jas's lap, and Liberty was in my seat. 

I grabbed her twirling her around before sitting down, and placing her in my lap. 

It took a moment for her giggles to stop before she wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"You scared me Daddy" She mumbled. 

I kissed her on her forehead, "I'm sorry baby" I mumbled. 

Leah looked between Jas and me as if she was expecting a round two. 

She had nothing to worry about, Jasmine didn't like arguing in front of the kids. She already thought they were exposed to too much of our lifestyle. 

Jasmine was playing with King happily, not even acknowledging my arrival. 

I hated when she did that, but I kept my lips closed. 

"Dad, can I come to your show on New Year's Eve?" August asked me.

"No" Jasmine mumbled 

"But-- Ma, it's not even that deep," He said. 

If looks could kill, then that boy was already halfway back to the gates of heaven. 

"Dad help me out here" He cried. 

I was already in the dog house and didn't want to dig myself deeper. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "We will think about it" I said. 

Jas didn't say anything further about the situation, only tapping her figure against the chair while rubbing King's hair who was half sleep. 

"Wish that was me," I thought. 

"Look, mommy!" We are here, Liberty said. 

I closed my eyes, not ready for what this trip had in store for me.

--- sorry for the short chapter; leave me a like and comment, please. 

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now