Chapter 39

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Author's Note: Happy Easter everyone!! I'm on my way back home from sending the weekend in Charlotte!


Jasmine's POV:

That guy TJ was giving me bad vibes yesterday. I said to Nicki .

"I know" I just don't like the way he was looking at you . Besides it's weird that he wanted to stay back instead of going to Atlanta.

I humped my shoulder over; Shay says he's fine so I trust her.

We walked towards the mall door as I put my shades on . It wasn't exactly easy being the girlfriend of a rapper . I thought to myself

I know we're just trying to help but I'm not sure if I can keep that child if he really is Durk son . Shit I'm not even sure if I can be with him . Nicki said .

I nodded my head towards her . At least we will find out in a few days . Besides they don't have anything they need . I said as I walked in the Gucci store.

She glanced at me; why start out big? She asked .

"How we look in top brand clothes and they wearing Walmart brands?" I asked .

Whats wrong with Walmart? She asked as she glanced at me .

Nothing! I yelled . I was just giving an example. Besides all their mom left were important documents. Let's just hurry up before Leah and Shay call . I said.

Fine, I'll go look over here . She said as she walked away .

I looked around as I grabbed a few outfits until I heard someone saying my name .

I looked around I saw Brittany standing in the near wall .

She had looked worse than yesterday, as she motioned for me to come near her.

"Are you following me now?" I asked .

No . I just came to tell you that JB is planning some bull shit when you guys go to Atlanta in a few days and not to trust TJ. I also wanted to apologize. I was wrong and I need your help. I have no one else to turn to Jas . She said quickly.

Planning something like that ? Are you on drugs ? Why are you all bruised up?

I can't tell you that because I don't know all the details. You and the kids just need to come with me when the shit happens .

Why the Fuck would I put my kids lives in your hands . You went against us all and now you want me forgive you ?

You chose jealousy over a sister bond that I thought we had . I said .

The guy that wants you did all of this to me. She said as she lifted up her shirt. She was covered in burn marks . The longer it takes for them to get to you the worse it is for the girls in the group .

They drug and beat us when they want . They make us look pretty when they want . She added .

"My phone started to ring as I looked down and it was muwop calling ."

Jas! Are you listening . It's a whole war going on over you and you need to get out . I'm not even sure if Von can protect you .

Shut up ! I yelled.

Fine . But my offer is on the table. Can I please have some money . I can't go back their tonight. She begged .

My heart started to break. Even though I couldn't trust her she was still like a sister to me .

"Here" I said as I grabbed 10k out of my wallet.

Just go away before someone sees you. I said .

She ran the opposite way as I had tears in my eyes.

Jas? You good? Muwop asked from behind me .

I quickly turned around as he looked at me up and down with a hit of worry in his eyes .

Did something happen? He asked as he looked around us .

"Where have you been?" Nicki asked as she walked closer towards us .

I've been looking around this whole damn store for you . And why are you crying? She asked .

You didn't have to go calling him. I mean you do know it's two fucking levels to this store. I yelled.

"Well I'm sorry." Just wanted to make sure nobody grabbed your ass up again .

I glanced at her with a blank face expression.

"Whatever" I said as I walked past them.

My phone started to ring again.

I pulled it out as I saw Von name pop up on my screen.

"What?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Why you gotta answer the phone like that?" He yelled.

Because I already know what you're calling for. Nothing happened. I said.

So why are you crying? He asked.

"I'm not." I lied and said.

"So FaceTime me." He said.

No. I said.

"Just pick up." He said.

I put my shades on as I answered the phone.

"What?" I said again.

Take your shades off girl.

No, I'm at the Gucci store. I laughed and said.

Oh word? Buy me something He said.

Bye Von I said.

"Come on Von" I'm ready for another round. I need a woman's voice say in the background.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Why you still on the phone?" I thought you were hanging up.

Dayvon, don't play with me. I said.

Jasmine. It's nobody important. I'm just in the studio. He said laughing.

"What the Fuck is suppose to be funny?" You better stop some names.

Bye Jas. I love you. He said.

"Don't make me take a flight." I said .

He hugged up the phone as i grabbed my bag from the lady.

"Let's go Nicki." We about to take a flight tonight. I said.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now