Chapter 55

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Author's Note: We back at it! Do you guys still want a high school story with these characters? 

Von's POV:

"What's going on?" Jasmine's voice boomed through the room.

My hands started to tense up as I rubbed them together trying to avoid eye contact at all costs.

"Von?" She called out my name again.

"Say something," I thought to myself.

My eyes would show the guilt, as my voice would scream the pain.

"I'm sorry Jas" Leah cried.

"About what?" She asked.

Even with my back turned to her, I could still hear the panic in her voice. Knowing the possibility of this unexpected outcome.

"I shouldn't have called you over here" Leah cried out.

This isn't my battle to fight against or fire to put out.

My eyebrows pulled together tightly, "But you still decided to tell her to come here?" I yelled out. I knew that I shouldn't have been angry with anyone but myself. The blame should always be on me, but I was hot-headed.

The room was silent again as if everyone was trying to find the missing puzzles to this unforgettable triangle.

"Don't put this on me" You decided this for yourself. Everything that is now done is because of your selfish ways. Leah said.

"What the fuck is going on?" Nicki mumbled.

The anger that I felt towards myself was now being unleashed towards my sister.

"Was it me that brought her here?" I yelled.

"What the fuck is everyone talking about?" Jasmine said.

Her footsteps were directed towards me as she pulled my arm to look in her direction.

"Von?" She asked again.

"I'm pregnant." It's his baby. He also purchased this house for me without you knowing. Honestly, we're going to be a family. The kids that you guys share can visit on the weekends possibly. Jessica mumbled as if it was some fairytale story.

Finally, my eyes had met with Jasmine's. "That's not my baby" I blurted out.

Her movements were slow as she let go of my arm.

For the first time, I felt fearful of losing everything that I cared about.

Her silence was worse than her screaming.

She slowly turned around as she headed towards the door.

"Jas," I said.

My voice cracked once more as I called out towards her.

I was a gangster, but at that moment I felt like a man in love, losing everything that I'd taken for granted.

Nicki and Leah both stood in total surprise. Even Nicki's lack of words was enough to crumble me even more.

My feet moved faster than my mind could as I ran after her.

"Let her go" You have me now. Jessica said as I ran out towards the door.

"Jas" I screamed as I pulled onto her arm.

She pushed me away before I had a chance to steady my balance.

"I fucking hate you!" She screamed.

"I mean you embarrassed, cheated, and even flirted with other women around me, but I let that go."

My mistake to ever think you would be able to change. She spoke.

"Just listen," I asked as I grabbed her hand.

She punched me in the eye as I stumbled back slowly.

"It just had to be her out of all people?" She said.

When I'm at my lowest point you're buying houses and sleeping with her. In the mix, everyone is making me feel like I'm going crazy.

"I never want to see you again" Jasmine cried.

"That baby isn't mine" I yelled.

"Exactly how are you supposed to know that?" You fucked her right? That baby may be yours then. Even then I still want nothing to do with you.

"Are you community dick?" She yelled.

I grabbed her arms as I pulled her closer towards me throwing her against the car.

"Are you fucking crazy girl?" I asked.

"Talking to me like that?" And then you fucking hit me? I screamed.

I was seeing red as my hands gripped around her tightly.

"Let me go!" She yelled.

I dropped my arms from around her as she created some distance between us.

I glanced at her as her eyes showed fear.

My hands ran through my hair as I could feel the trees building up.

"Jas, please don't do this to us." I cried.

"I'm sorry," I said as I wrapped my arms around her back, dropping my head into her neck.

I knew she could feel my tears dropping alongside her neck.

Her body tensed up, at this new outpouring from me.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you, I know you don't deserve this" I don't deserve you. I cried.

"Why must you say all of this when it's too late?" She mumbled against me.

She pulled herself from my grip, and her eyes were bloodshot red from crying.

"I can't do this to anyone, maybe it will work between you and her," She said as she handed me the ring back.

"No" I'm not taking that. It's yours.

"Don't give up on us Jas" I said.

She glanced at my face.

In the last 12 years, this is the most vulnerable you have been with me. She whispered. "I wasn't sure if you were able to show this type of emotion.

"I love you Jas," I said truthfully.

"Just not enough to hurt me so much?" She asked.

She was only greeted by my silence.

"Just talk to your mom if you want to see the kids Dayvon." She said.

She walked away quietly towards the car, and I knew there was nothing I could say to make the situation any better.

I would have to fight for my family back and not expect it to be handed back to me.

I was now on the blocklist.

Author's Note: WOAH!!!!! The volume just went all the way UP! What did ya'll think about Von letting his emotions get to him? DO ya'll think Jasmine is done? Will Von fight for his wife back? Is the baby even his? 

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