Chapter 4

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Author's Note: I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Please like and comment if you are enjoying this story!

#LLKV 🕊🤍

Von's POV:

Lying to Jasmine wasn't the best thing to do, but if she knew the truth my ass would be dead. I thought to myself

"Yo, Von I don't think we should be doing this right now," Roy said as I drove out the driveway.

I shot a glance his way. I knew he was right, but payback was about to be a bitch. I was hot-headed and knew it.

"Von? We always ride with you but at the club?" That shouldn't be the move.

Shit, Jasmine will kill all of us if something was to happen to you. Jonny said.

Let's not even get on Leah." he mumbled.

"Y'all acting like some hoes," I said laughing. Chill out folks, nothing will happen unless his hoe ass tries something crazy.

I parked the car in the club parking lot.

Cars were everywhere once we stepped out.

"This shit packed as hell," Jonny said as we walked towards the entrances.

The line was out the door as we walked up.

Girls were smiling once they saw me and dudes were hating.

" Sometimes we didn't know who was a fan or an opp; so we always stayed strapped."

"What's up, Danny?" I said once we reached the door.

He glanced my way before he noticed who was.

"Von?" He said weirdly.

Yeah, It's me. I laughed.

"Is that King Von? " I heard a girl whisper behind me.

" I wonder if Jasmine knows he's here?"
I follow her on Instagram. She added.

I shook my head. I forgot about that. These camera phones will always catch somebody lacking. I thought to myself.

"We have a VIP section ready for you," Danny said as we walk through.

Smoke filled the air as people filled the room.

I sat at the booth that was given to us, as drinks started to flow around us.

"We got King Von up in here tonight." The DJ screamed as the women started to go crazy.

Lights started to flash as I showed my million-dollar smile.

"Von, what you doing up in here tonight?" I heard a voice say.

"Not this home again," Jonny mumbled.

I ignored his comments, as Asia sat next to me.

"What's up, girl?" I said.

We messed around a few times but I knew it couldn't go behind that.

I was tempted to try it again tonight as my mind was clouded.

I met her at one of these parties. She was an upcoming rapper from Atlanta.

She kissed my lips as I pulled my head back.

Before I could respond gunshots started to fly around the club.

One hit my shoulder as I saw Roy hitting back.

"Von?" Asia screamed. My left shoulder was hot.

Jonny helped me up as we rushed towards the back door.
The parking lot was full of people once we reached the car.

Jonny pushed me into the backseat as Roy started the car.
Asia sat next to me as Jonny wanted to protest but went against it.

"You good gang?" Roy yelled as he rushed out of the parking lot.

"I'm good," I said in pain. Who the fuck was that? I asked.

They have started a war that they can't finish.

"I'm called Jasmine," Jonny yelled.

"NO!"  I yelled as we pulled inside the hospital parking lot.

"Your'e bleeding heavy Von," Asia said.

"Why the fuck is she even in here?" Roy asked.

The next few minutes were a blur, as doctors surround me.

I blacked out and woke up to Asia sitting next to me. Roy was in a chair across the room and Jonny was nowhere to be found.

"Why are you still here?" I asked Asia. It came out more harshly than I intended.

I knew I shouldn't have been fucking with this girl.

"Who is this Von?" I heard a voice say.

Jasmine stood in the doorway with August and Liberty with her.

"Damn, Danny acting as if I was dying." I thought to myself.

"Dayvon?" Jasmine said again.

I knew I had to answer her before she started to make her judgment.

"I'm Asia," Asia said before I had a chance to.

She must want both of us to die right here I thought.

"Asia who Dayvon?"  She asked me again as she looked me up and down.

I could see a hint of worry in her eyes for a moment.

"Who called you?" I asked.

I knew I sounded more ungrateful than I should have been.

"Who is this?" Leah asked as she stood behind Jasmine with Jonny not too far behind.

"We're leaving," Jasmine said.

"They just don't need to be here;" I said pointing at the kids.

Her emotions were clouding my attendance. Pregnancy always made her moody in some way.

"Asia is just a friend. I said out loud."

I could feel Asia burning a hole in my head. "It was true in some ways."

She knew what I had so she shouldn't be feeling any type of way.

Jasmine didn't believe but didn't force the issue.

"Maybe I should go;" Asia said.

For once I was happy to hear that. The tension in the room was high.

"Everybody give Jasmine and me a moment," I said as Leah took the kids out with her.

Jasmine never moved from her spot. I forced my way out of my bed and stood next to her.

She was filled out in all the right places and I didn't mind looking.

"We going back to Chicago tonight," I said.

Why? She asked; although I could hear the excitement in her voice. Chicago was home.

Thing's are hot here right now and I need for you and the kids to be safe.

"Who is Asia?" Jasmine asked again.

I rolled my eyes mentally, you will never see her again after today.

I kissed her soft lips before placing my free hand on her stomach.

"Don't worry so much" I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I'm good as long as y'all are. I said truthfully.

Author's Note: I just decided to give you King Von's side.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now