Extra Chapter

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Author's Note: Okay ! Some people wanted me to do a chapter when Von & Jasmine was younger, so I hope everyone likes it.
(This is not edited)

#LLKV 🤍🕊

6 years ago

Jasmine was afraid to start her first day of High School. She knew anyone wouldn't dare try her because they knew who her brother was. She mostly kept to herself, and most people thought of her to be a soft spoken assassin. Although the truth was she just like to observe others a lot.

Nicki, Brittany, and Leah always kept enough drama going on in their circle so of course they needed a piece maker like her to keep everything together.

Jasmine brushed her hair into a high ponytail as she checked herself out in the mirror. She wore high waist jeans and a black crop top. She decided to keep it cool and wear flats since it was still mid-August in Chicago. Her chocolate skin glowed as she applied soft coco butter onto her arms for extra protection.

Her phone continued to buzz softly on her nightstand. She didn't have to glance to know it was Leah, bragging about how her brother was finally attending our school again. She had never laid eyes on him but felt as she knew him all her life . Apparently, he was apart of one of the local gangs in Chicago and been in and out of trouble for the last few years.
Jasmine didn't judge the situation because she knew how hard it was growing up in Chicago. If it wasn't for her big brother she had no idea how she would make it.

Jasmine laughed as she re-read the message from Brittany begging Leah to hook her up with Von. We were all in-coming freshman and apparently been seen with an upperclassman was something poplar to do .

Nicki bragging about how she was ready to see durk everyday . They were only a year above them but Nicki made sure to make it seem like a lifetime.

Jasmine walked to school peacefully, as she met up with her friends by the front office. The school was packed with students everywhere. Some from different hoods whom didn't get along with each other.

Bitch, you look good! Leah told Jasmine as she approached them. Jasmine smiled shyly.

"You too." She finally said.

They walked through the hallways as boys nearly watched them down, and the girls watched jealously .

Nicki spotted Durk, as he apparently stood next to Leah's brother.

From a distance, Jasmine thought he was the cutest boy she had ever seen. His dreads looked to be healthy and midway to his cheekbone. He had the most perfect smile she has ever seen until she heard him laugh from a distance which pulled her in even more .

She dropped her glance as they got closer and wanted to run away . Brittany was eager to make her appearance known. She was more outgoing and sometimes Jasmine wished she could be more like her in that way .

Please "don't forget to introduce me" Brittany reminded Leah.

Jasmine erased any thought of a chance she had with him from her mind.

"Bae, why you running through these hallways calling my name like that?" You know theses opps be trying to catch us lacking . Durk said to Nicki .

Jasmine attempted to hold her laughter in. Nicki was the craziest white girl she had ever met in Chicago.

Big bro this is my friend Brittany. She has be dying to meet you. I told her y'all were  going to be famous one day. Leah said.

He glanced at her before nodding his head . Brittany gave him a side eye as she wasn't use to many people turning her down.

What yo name ma? Jasmine heard a deep soft voice say. She glanced around for a moment until she heard her name being called .

This is my baby Jasmine . Leah said.

Damn, you fine asf. He said as he licked his thick lips.

Jasmine had never had sex before but in that moment she was ready to give it all away to him.

"Thanks" Jasmine said lowly.

And she not loud like yo other friend. He said .

They all laughed as Brittany was upset .

My name Dayvon, but everyone calls me Von. He said to Jasmine.

"I know." She replied.

And I'm from the O. He said.

"I know." She replied.

Do you have a man? Von asked .

Jasmine shook her head quickly.

Good, because I was about to say fuck yo man . Von said.

If you did I might just have to kill em, if I see you with him. He added .

Jasmine eyes grew bigger , not because he mentioned being violent but because he was being so opened about it .

Von, leave my friend alone . Leah said . She not like that . Leah added .

Neither one of you are like that. He said .

He knew as long as he was around they never would have to be.

What's up gang? Jasmine heard a voice say .

She looked behind Durk and Von to be greeted by her brother .

What y'all doing with my little sister he asked?

Von glanced at him and then back at me . He knew they were related in some way.

Shit, gang I'm going to be your brother in-law one of these days . Von said honestly.

Von knew she was one of the OG's on the block but he had his mind set on Jasmine and spoke about what he wanted .
Jasmine's brother glanced at him. "Yeah, ok." He said.
Although Von was serious . He had found someone he never wanted to let go of and he only just had met her .

It was always going to be through the wire with them as they created an un breakable bond that he couldn't even touch .

Author's note: I hoped you guys liked it ! Do you guys want a first time story for Von and Jasmine ? Then that will probably be my last time jumping back in the past . I just feel like this information gives you a better understanding of Jasmine and maybe even Von for this story

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now