Chapter 60

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- Welcome to New York YALL :)

- Notification gang check in !

Jasmine's POV:

"Damn, why didn't anybody tell me that Dave East was going to be in here tonight?" Nicki questioned.

I only glanced at her once before rolling my eyes.

In all honesty, I didn't want to be here tonight. We had only been in New York for a week, and I was ready to go.

I didn't like it here. The vibe didn't always seem to be a good one.

As I thought more about it, Chiago wasn't the place I wanted to be either. My life just had too many bad memories surrounding it.

The kids love Atlanta, and it already was our second home away from home.

"What would Von think?" I thought.

I tapped my feet against the floor harder, as I sat up to straighten my dress.

"Why would I care about what he thought?" He didn't even make a effort to reach back after I big fight.

"Fuck em" I thought again.

"But you love him?" My heart ached out.

"What's love anyway?" I questioned myself.

I poured another shot, and the burn was more smoother now, than my first shot.

"Damn, girl, you okay? Ceci asked me.

"I don't like her" I thought.

"Mhm" I mumbled back.

"Don't worry about it Ceci" Sam said with a smirk.

"Jas, was always the quite type when we were kids" She said.

She stumbled forward towards the bar area, as Nicki and I glanced at each other.

"Bitch" I thought to myself.

"Don't let her get to you Jas, she just thinks that you took something that was suppose to be hers" Leah said.

I smiled at Leah. The only reason why Nick and I were at this club in the first place.

"So, Von called yesterday while I was out with the kids" She said loudly.

A lump grew in my throat as I twisted my body in the seat.

"Why would he call her to talk to the kids?" I thought.

"Was he really avoiding me that much?" Why does he always have to get under my skin?

I took a deep breathe before saying okay, and making my way to the bar.

"Now why would you mention that shit?" I heard Nicki mumble to Leah as I walked away.

"It doesn't matter" I thought. He was traveling city to city having fun on tour, and here I was pretending to have fun.

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender asked me.

"Just some water" I said.

I was already starting to feel sick, and my emotions weren't helping.

"I didn't take you for the water type of girl at the bar" A voice said behind me.

I turned around, and Dave was standing inches away from me.

"Could this night get any worse?" I thought.

I knew Dave very well. He was handsome, but he always tried to take me out on a date whenever I was in New York.

That was kind of his thing. He didn't care about the titles you had with others.

I respected it, but it still wasn't my thing.

"Sometimes" I mumbled.

Our eyes met again, and I couldn't deny it. He was very handsome.

"Maybe its the liquor" I thought

"Do you need something?" I asked.

"You" He said.

"It sounds like you should keep looking" I said .

As I tried to walk away, he grabbed my arm.

He bent his face down to my ear.. "I just wanted to tell you that this black dress is doing everything for your body. He said before letting go.

I rolled my eyes before walking away.

"Damn, is Von not enough?" Sam said.

I walked past her as my shoulder bumped into hers.

"Take me back to the house" I demanded Leah.


Von's POV:

"How is your mom?" I asked August through the phone.

"You mean your girl?" He shot back.

I couldn't hold my laugh in, "Damn, why you have to be so harsh with it son?"

"I'm just giving you the facts," "You should be calling her and asking how she's doing.

I thought about it for a moment, but knowing all the shit that played out last week it wasn't the best time.

"Yeah, not right now" I'm just giving her some space.

"It's what's she needs" I said.

"But dad, is it want she wants?" He said.

"Ok, Dr. Phill" I said.

We both shared a laugh over the phone.

"I'm sorry for what happened between us last week" I said.

"Me too." he mumbled.

But I know I taught you right, always stick up for your mom, no matter who it is. I said.

"Yeah, ok" He said.

"But dad, mom is doing ok" -- I guess so at least. "She's always so good at hiding her feeling" He mumbled.

"Word." I said.

"Just call dad" Even if she acts mad, she still wants to hear your voice."

"Alright son" I'll talk to you later, I have show I'm about to do" I said before handing up

the phone.

"Are you ready gang?" Durk asked.

I nodded my head as I followed him out of the room.

"Just call" and stop having the sad face. "Your'e scaring everyone away" He said with a laugh.


King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now