Chapter 54

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Author's Note: Sorry, I haven't updated this story in a while! Life just has been crappy to me lately, and I've been trying my best to bounce back from it. I can't wait until the new King Von album drops! I know it's going to be epic.

Von's POV:

A buzzing sound filled my ears, as my eyes fought to adjust to the darkness. I glanced at my phone as it started to buzz on the nightstand again. Jasmine had most of her body against mine, as I reached for the phone.

Before I could glance at the home screen, another call came in from Jessica. I took a deep breath in before I pressed the accept button.

"What?" I answered the phone in a hostile voice.

"What you mean what?" She said angrily.

"Why are you calling my phone? "Next time I might as well let Jas beat your ass. I said. The image of that popped up in my head as I smiled.

"Oh, that's what are we doing?" She asked.

I didn't respond to her question as I was hoping my silence would be enough.

I could hear her labored breathing through the phone as if she was crying.

"You weren't saying that shit for the last two months when you were all of up in my bed" She screamed.

I looked over towards Jasmine, as she was still curled up sleeping. I removed my arm from underneath her as I sat up on the bed.

"Why you got to bring that shit up?" I thought we were over that. Isn't that why I bought you that big ass house and car?

"I was in a bad moment" I was broken, and you took that pain and ran with it.

"Don't put all of that on me Dayvon, you wanted it just as much as I did."

"Look, I don't have time for this shit. I said truthfully.

"Please just come over so we can talk, I need you," Jessica said.

"Well don't need me Jess" I have a family that I have already caused enough damage to.

"A family?" She laughed.

Come over now, or I will leak everything. She said.

I hung up the phone, throwing it onto the floor.

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself.

"What is it?" Jasmine asked.

I didn't have to look at her to know she was truly concerned and judging by her tone she didn't hear too much of what had been said over the phone.

"Just some shit I need to go work out with the label" I answered.

I couldn't look directly at her, or my eyes would tell a different story.

"Does it need to be done tonight?" She asked as she rubbed on my shoulders. I could feel her breast pressed against my back, as I longed to lay back in bed with her.

"Why did I always have to fuck everything up." Even when she asks for the truth, I only ever manage to tell a lie.

"Hello?" She asked.

What? I snapped back.

I only asked if you wanted me to come with you. It must be important if it has you zoned out like this.

"Nah, you just stay here and chill out while the kids are still gone," I said.

I kissed her lips as it took her a moment to follow, "I'll be back soon" I said.


My fist knocked on the door hard, as I waited for Jessica to open the door.

"Where your key at?" She asked as she opened the door.

I left it here the last time I dropped by. I said.

"Look, I don't have time for games so just tell me how much it's going to cost me."

"You think I want money?" I want you, Von. I'm the one who you should be with. She cried.

"Jessica, I don't have time for this shit" I screamed.

"I'm pregnant, and I want you to be with me and our baby," she said. At that moment I could feel my heart in my shoe, "You're what?" I said.

"I'm pregnant and it's yours," she said as she grabbed my hand.

I pulled my hand away from hers; "How do you even know that baby is mine? Don't act like I'm the only person you have been with?"

I have a family... A wife... And kids. I'm not leaving them for you. I screamed.

And what about this baby? She yelled

"Get rid of it!" How much do you need? My voice held little to no emotion.

"I can't believe you just said that shit because that wasn't what you were claiming when you were in my bed," she said.

Pillow talking... that's what I was doing, so where you. I spoke.

"I'm keeping this baby" She screamed.

"You're pregnant?" And it's yours? Leah screamed.

How could you do this to our family? Leah asked.

And you're supposed to be my best friend, helping me but instead, you were trying to figure out how you could get with my brother.

Leah, I started to say.

"Save it" She yelled.

"Jasmine was right this whole time, and I've been the fool."

I can't believe you're doing this to her again she said.

"Doing what to be exactly?" Jasmine's voice boomed from behind me.

"I'm dead," I thought to myself. 

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now