Special Chapter

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Author's Note: Happy Valentine's Day everyone:) I hope you are enjoying your day! I didn't even tell y'all I was doing a special chapter but why not? Y'all are really like my close friends 🥺 I feel like I need to make a group chat or something 🤣 Who down?

Long Live T.Roy! Rest up 💔🐐🕊💙

#LLKV 💙🕊

Third person POV :

Jasmine wasn't really the type of girl who was big on special occasions. But seeing her friends all hyped up about Valentine's Day put her in a different mood.

Y'all hoes date street Niggas, I'm pretty sure they don't even know what today is . Brittany said loudly.

Why you always hating? Clearly we need to find you man Nicki said.

She want want to be down with the team but Roy don't want her ass. Leah said.

Jasmine rolled her eyes playfully "y'all leave her alone." She said.

But she's always the one staring stuff, Nicki said.

We all sat in my bedroom as we watched a movie, eating popcorn.

"All I know is if Durk doesn't remember it's Valentine's Day then we breaking up." Nicki said.

Girl you say that every week. Y'all both toxic as fuck. Leah said.

Jasmine nodded her head in agreement.

Whatever "Jasmine don't be doing that" you just go along with whatever Von says .

"You wish." Jasmine said defensively.

Wait, don't be speaking on my brother like that, Leah said.

Nicki rolled her eyes as she pulled her phone out .

Jasmine smiled as she pulled her phone out and noticed she had a few missed text messages.

Text messages:

Baby💙 : I miss you.

Baby💙: I know you see my message 🧐

Baby💙: y'all good? I'm about to pull up

Me: We good. Just hanging out. I miss you too.

End of messages:

Jasmine smiled brightly as she put her phone back out .

Oh lord must be Von. Brittany said .

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Shut up, I'm going downstairs to get something to drink." Jasmine said.

"Don't let Von see you in those little pink shorts" Nicki yelled behind her as she shit the door.

Jasmine walked downstairs as everything was dark besides the a small light in the kitchen.

She pulled some juice out as she heard a small noise from the living room. She stopped in her tracks as she didn't hear it again.

"Probably just someone outside the door across the hall." She thought.

Until she felt a hand around her mouth as her eyes opened widely. She kicked the person in their leg as they let her go.

She turned around as Von was standing in front of her.

"What the Fuck is wrong with you?" She asked.

Why are you breaking into my house? Cant you just knock on my door like a normal person ? She screamed.

Why you yelling? Besides I had to make sure you ain't have no niggas in here. Von said.

Jasmine rolled her eyes.

Besides you like it when I do it late at night. He said.

Jasmine eyes grew wider as she hit him in his chest.

Von laughed as it made her heart melt. She loved when he laughed.

He kissed her lips as she kissed him back. His hands grabbed her waist as he sat her on the counter knocking over the glass which they both ignored.

He quickly moved down towards her neck as she let out a shot moan. Von smiled into her neck as she mentally rolled her eyes.

His hands moved towards towards her legs as he stopped. "Why you have on these small ass shorts?" He asked.

"Because i Can." She said .

Whatever. He said .

He pulled out a box from his pocket as he handed it to her .

"Happy Valentine's Day." He said with a smile .

She laughed, what is it?

Open it and see lil folks. He said.

Jasmine opened the box as she saw a diamond necklace with a read bright stone in the middle.

"You shouldn't have." She said.

But I did and I wanted too. He said.

"Here let me put it on." He said.

He placed the necklace around her neck as she smiled.

" Thank you baby." She said.

She was happy although she thought he had forgotten but wouldn't tell him that.

"Here come outside." He said as he handed her his jacket.

Jasmine walked outside as she greeted by roses and balloons set up with a candle light dinner.

She laughed as it was a nice touch. "Baby you do know it's like 14 degrees in Chicago right? She asked.

Why you think I have a fire going? He asked. Besides you can stay close to me. He said in a sweet tone.

She smiled lightly.

"Thank you baby." She said.

This was the nicest thing anybody had ever done for her.

Who helped you with this? She asked.

The guys. Even tho they think I'm too far gone over you but they know not to say that shit. He said.

But you are. Jasmine said.

So? He questioned.

Gangsters need love too. He said in a tough tone.

She laughed as she kissed his lips.

Maybe I should tell the girls where I'm at before I stay out here. She said.

"They already know, besides they already gone." He said.

Jasmine nodded her head as she smiled to herself.

She loved seeing her friends happy.

"When everybody besides Brittany ugly ass but I'm sure she will find something to do." He said.

Leave her alone. Jasmine said.

I'm just playing. Don't get all upset. Von said.

That whole night they laughed and talked until Jasmine fell asleep.

Von Carried her back inside as he placed her under the covers.

He wasn't going to stay until Jasmine asked him too.

He hadn't felt this way about anyone even when he put her through the bullshit.

He loved her forever even into eternity.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now