Chapter 57 ( We BACK!)

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Author's Note: "I'm BACK!" Honestly, I fell out of love with writing for a few months. I just needed some time to myself, but I'm back and ready to finish this story up. Is it possible to get shadow banned on this app? Or I just feel like they are not counting the amount numbers correctly I have for this story. Anyways it's #LLKV forever.

"Nicki?" I called out through the house. My heart was pounding through my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

"Nicki?" I said with a more sturdy tone.

"Why are you running through my house screaming my name?" Keys were given out for emergencies only. She said.

She emerged from the kitchen as I was finally able to put a voice to that face, I forcefully rolled my eyes as she mouthed off more.

In reality, you gave me a key because your ass was too lazy to open the door. I reminded her.

"Whatever" she whispered.

Nicki, I breathed out," " I love you like a sister, but are you that crazy to give Chris my address?" I asked.

I slowly pushed my hair away from my eyes as I took another deep breath. The weight from the car seat started to weigh down on my arm. I placed it next to me as I pushed myself further into the chair. I started to regret my choice to sit outside, even during the morning hours of the summer.

Nicki's eyebrows pushed together tightly as she glanced over my facial expression.

"Why would I do something stupid like that?" She asked.

I haven't seen that man since the night of the restaurant, even so, I would never put you in an uncomfortable position like that.

"Not with Von crazy ass she mumbled."

The anxiety that I thought was long gone, crept back into my mind exploding through my body all at once.

"Jas?" She questioned

Sooner or later, I knew my silence would be exposed.

"Did he show up at your house this morning?" She asked.

The right words wouldn't be allowed to grasp a proper direction into the air, so I only nodded my head.

What? How? She asked.

"He told me that you gave it to him" stupidly, I didn't question it enough, but I don't think it would have mattered.

"Fuck that!" He is officially a creep. I think he's an opp now.

I glanced up at her, "no... Von would have figured that out. I spoke.

Then again that day at the football game those glances did seem to be more deadly than ever.

"Von does that with everyone who looks at you beyond desires," Nicki said.

"Then again, I know that look you are talking about."

What makes matters worse is that he was waiting at the school for us this morning.

"Will I ever get rid of him?" I groaned.

"Probably not?" Nicki whispered. Then again would it be any fun in that?

"I should tell him?" I questioned.

No girl! He's already crazy as hell. Another charge is not what he needs. Not what we need.

"But he's been to my house," I said.

He did knock though. Nicki said with a laugh.

"This is not funny."

I rubbed my hand across my forehead as the front door opened.

"Nah, that's not a deal to sign gang," a familiar voice said.

Nicki and I both jumped up as Von and Durk walked into the room.

Both glanced between us.

"Damn girl" you could've told me you were coming over here.

"Please don't act like you didn't see her car when you pulled up," Nicki said unfazed by his advances toward me.

His face fell flat as his eyes were glued on her.

"Don't start Lil girl" he said.

Durk nodded his head in agreement.

Besides all of that, both of y'all looking like a ghost just stormed out of here.

"Chris broke into Jas's house this morning" Nicki blurted out.

My stare off with Von was cut short as I glued my eyes to her having a silent conversation.

"I changed my mind about the situation," she said.

"Woah, what you mean he broke into our house?" With the kids there? He questioned.

"He didn't break it" I screamed.

So, you let him in? He said.

"Not necessarily" I whispered shutting my eyes tighter.

So then he broke in? Von's voice echoed through the room.

"Yo, let me go hit these niggas up."

His feet moved faster than my mind could process everything.

"No," I said as I grabbed his arm before he could reach the end of the steps on the porch.

He tried to loosen my grip on his arm but remained steady in my hold.

"Will it be worth it?" I asked. I know what you're thinking, and it isn't worth it.

Think about the kids. You said you wouldn't leave us again but if you go do that, I think you're going to do it, then you will be leaving us.

My eyes locked with his for a moment until a gunshot ranged through the window.

Nicki's scream could be heard from the other room.

"My baby" I screamed as Von ran towards the other room I followed with his gun tucked out.

"Fuck gang" He screamed.

Where did you hit at? He asked.

"Only my shoulder" "I'm good! He shook Nicki away as she tried to apply pressure to it.

I glanced around the room as the baby car seat was gone.

"Where is my baby?" I asked voice filled with panic.

"He was---" Nicki started.

The backdoor was still open widely as I ran in that direction.

My eyesight started to get fuzzy as tears started to flow.

"Where is my baby?" I screamed again.

Von touch my shoulder as I pulled away from him.

"Someone took him" I whispered as I almost hit the pavement.

Von's arms gripped around my waist, as I let out a loud gasp followed by tears.

"He's only a baby," I thought.

"We'll get him back" Von whispered into my ear.

His voice started to sound like a distant memory as all I saw was blackness. 

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now