Chapter 51

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Author's Note: I'm back!!! I've missed you guys! Drop a heart in the comments.

Jasmine's POV:

"Let's go baby or you will be late" I yelled down the hallway towards August's room. I double-checked the bag to ensure that I had everything.

"I hate football mommy" Liberty yelled as she stomped inside the room.

I rolled my eyes, as she carried the same attitude as Von; "You don't have to like it, but we going to support your brother.

I grabbed her hand as we walked down the stairs into the living room.

"Let's go August" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm right here" No need to yell, he said.

I rolled my eyes, as I picked up the car seat heading towards the garage.

"Let's take the black range rover," August said.

I looked back at him "and why is that?" I questioned.

"It's not too flashy," he said.

I laughed as I unlocked the car door as climbed in.

My eyes glanced into the mirror every so often, as I could tell that August was nervous.

"You know baby, you shouldn't be ashamed of what you have," I said.

"I'm not" I just don't want my friends to think I'm better than them, he said.

"Don't worry about that baby" It's about your charter that matters, and not about material things. Besides this isn't yours, it's your father's and I's.

If they are your real friends, then they will always know what type of person that you are.

"Always remember that," I said.

He nodded his head, "Is dad coming to the game today?" He asked.

I could hear the worry in his voice, and the last thing I wanted to do is lie about something I didn't know about.

"I don't know baby, if he isn't there, I'm sure it's a good reason for it," I said.

It had been a week since any of us had spoken to each other. The house was big enough for us to avoid each other, and when we did have to see each other we didn't stay in the room long enough for a conversation.
I guess that was the only downfall in our relationship, I thought to myself.

The football field was full of people when we arrived. I placed my sunglasses over my eyes before I jumped out of the car.

"Bitch! You're barely on time" Nicki said from behind me.

"Talk to your nephew," I said as I placed King in the stroller.

"I think Mr. Superstar is nervous about his first game of the season" I whispered in her ear.

Nicki nodded her head, "don't worry August you will be great today!" Just remember to have fun, she said.

"I will" he mumbled.

"I know you will," I said as I kissed him on his forehead.

"Not here mom!" Just not here. He said before walking off.

I rolled my eyes as I walked in the other direction.

"Hey, Aunt Leah!" Liberty said as she ran into her arms.

"Hey, Lil Mama" Leah said as she glanced my way.

"Jasmine," she said.

I nodded in her direction "Leah."

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now