Chapter 62

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(I hope everyone is having a good week so far 🥰)

Jasmine's pov:

"Sam?" Von asked.
His eyebrows were glued together as he readjust his eyes.

"It's me!" Sam responded.
Her smile was bright, as she placed her hands behind her back.

She twirled around in a circle showing off her thin black dress.

If I hadn't known any better I would have guessed she had been waiting on this moment for a long time now.

"Damn, it has been a long time" he mumbled from behind me.

I blinked my eyes closed trying to hid my frustration.

"Don't give in" I thought to myself.

"Why are you still standing over there?" "Come and give me a hug" Sam said loudly.

My eyes bounced from her into his eyes.

He only wore a smirk, as he glanced my way.

With two steps ahead of me, my voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Give me my baby" I said .

I tried to keep my voice steady, but I was sure my face was filled with anger.

It didn't take too much for King to bounce his way back into my arms, not leaving much time for Von to say what was on his mind.

Sam filled her way into his arm, wrapping her arms around his neck, as his arms fell around her waist.
Her eyes glowed into mine, and I knew the whole story.

She was competing for something, again.

"It's good to see you" Von said.

He let go first, but her arms lingered for s few more moments.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked breaking up the reunion.

There bodies both paused for a moment, as if they had forgotten I was here.

"Who isn't here?" Sam said with a smirk.

"This is nice Jas, how much did all of this cost?" She added.

"It was only a family invite" I said switching the subject back.

Von stepped in between us, as he touched my arm.

Unexpectedly, I let my hand fall into his.

"I thought we bonded a lot more in New York" Sam said.

"Even part of the family circle" she said with a smile.

"Dave is even here" she mumbled.

"Who?" Von questioned.

"Fuck" I thought.

If you must know, "Leah invited me and I invited Dave" I thought you would want to see him again.

"Who the Fuck is Dave?" Von asked tugging on my arm.

"Dave East" she said.

"Nobody" I mumbled.

"Oh that's definitely nobody then" Von said in a firm tone.

"He seems to think otherwise" Sam said.

I glanced at Von as he clenched his jaw.

"New York seemed to be a vibe then?" He said while looking at me.

"Not really" I mumbled back.

I let go of his hand and walked in the opposite direction of them.

"Mommy!" Liberty screamed running over towards me as I entered the building.

She glanced behind me, searching for someone.

"I thought daddy was here" she said disappointed.

"I'm right here baby girl" he said from behind us.

Liberty ran into his arms holding his neck tightly.

"My favorite girl" he whispered.

"What about mommy?" Liberty asked.

He glanced at me, and if looks could kill then I would be a gone girl.

"Sometimes" he said.

"What's up with y'all?" Leah asked pulling King out of my arm.

"Why is Sam here?" I questioned her.

She looked confused, "I only mentioned it, not a official invite" she said.

"Why is she here ?" Nick bumped into the conversation.

"Ugh" I signed

"Stop whining!" "People are watching" Leah said .

"She probably just need some dick" nicki mentioned boldly.

We both glanced at her.

"What?" I'm just saying, it's been a long time. Just take your keys and take him to the car .

"He looks like he's undressing you anyways" Nick mumbled .

"Looking is all he will be doing" I added.

I  avoiding Von the rest of the party until Liberty cried for him to go home with her.

"Not tonight " I mumbled.

"But mommy, I miss him" don't you? She asked .

A laugh slipped between his lips.

"Shut up" I mumbled.

"Just tonight" I said to him angrily.

"Let me drive" he said with a smirk .

I handed him the keys wondering if I would soon regret this decision.

(Not baby girl baiting her mom into this situation)

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now