Chapter 48

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Von's POV:

"How many times do I have to tell you, to stay your big headed ass at home?" Durk said.

"Shut your ass up" I muttered.

"Besides, it's too many females in that house right now, and with your girl bossing me around, I had to dip."

His eyes followed my movement as  I sat in the studio chair next to him.

"Jas needs you" He mumbled.

"Oh you too?" I sighed, as my fingers ran through the tangles of my hair.

"She doesn't want to see me" I said slowly.

"Just because she said that shit, doesn't mean she means it." He said firmly.

"You can't be stubborn when she needs you too."

"I'm not, it's just hard"  I said in my defense.

His eyes grew larger, "And how do you think she feels?" He yelled.

"I'm trying" I grunted out.

"Apparently, not hard enough gang."

Silence feel between us. I knew he was right, but I didn't know where to begin with Jasmine. I could feel her slipping away from us everyday.

Even when I tried to talk to her, the soft mumble of cries kept the conversation short. On top of that we still had no leads on where her bitch ass brother was.

The thought of him made my skin burn. I can't rest until  him and that bitch Brittany is 7 feet under.

"I would still want to dig them up and watch them die again." I thought to myself.

"Is Jessica still there?" Durk asked breaking their silence.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not sure. I hope not."

He sighed. "If she is, just put that bitch out. And you wondering why Jas having a hard time."

I glanced at him. "Nigga, you suppose to be doctor Phil now? I asked.

He mutely nodded. "Only when it comes to your dumb ass. Ion know why your past hoes always just pop up."

"It's the fame." We said in a union while laughing.

"All jokes aside bro, take care of that home shit first. We got everything in these streets covered. Don't run away when it gets hard. She has never done that to you." He said .

"I know gang." I mumbled.

"Go home Von." He muttered.

I nodded my head slowly as I stood up from my chair, making my way to the door.

I turned around to face him again "thanks gang" I said.

He nodded his head "I wouldn't be your brother if I didn't keep it real with you. Anybody else would let you continue to run away from your true responsibilities" he said.

I nodded as I walked out into the hallway of the studio.

"Dayvon" A voice called out as I glanced around the hallway.

My face instantly turning into a frown. "Good, I Can kill two birds in one stone" I mumbled.

"What you doing here Jessica?" I asked as my tone was more harshly than I attended.

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now