Chapter 22

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#LLKV 💙🕊 today marks 3 months 💔 death still not easy!

Author's Note : YALL listen to Asian Doll music?

Jasmine's POV :

My head was pounding as I opened my eyes and noticed I was surrounded in darkness. As I tried to move my body I noticed my hands were tied up on a post.

I glanced around until I saw one shining light . My legs were cold as I wasn't wearing anything but my bra and underwear.

My heart started to beat faster as it was the only thing I could hear until another voice spoke.

You're awake now? A female voice said.

I looked around as I still couldn't see anyone again.

Don't worry about trying to find me, I'm on the other side of the room.  My name is Shay. She said friendly.

Where are we? I asked in a whisper so low that if she wasn't listening closely she would miss.

I not really sure exactly. Dumb ass Cam move us around like every week. Today is a new location.

Cam? I said.

"That bitch ass Nigga." I thought to myself.

Whats your name ? She asked .

Jasmine . I said . But my friends call Jas .

How the Fuck am I going to get out of this.

I thought about Von and Nicki. They probably weren't even worried about me . Maybe Roy and Brittany were . I thought.

Why did he take you? She asked .

"Probably to piss my boyfriend Von off" or maybe because he almost rapped me and didn't get a chance to . I said.

" Wait do you mean King Von?" She said.

Yeah, I  said again annoyed.

So you're like THE Jasmine. She said again a little more enticed.

"I guess if you put it like that." I said.

Girl, I love you so much! I follow you on everything. But Im sorry he tried to do that. I'm in a similar Situation. She said

" My brother is Pooh Shiesty" but I call him rell . She added.

So you're from Memphis? I figured, you sound like it. I said.

Well I guess I can say you sound like you're from Chicago. She said laughing.

I started to laugh until I heard a door open.

A bright light turned on as Cam stood in front of the doorway with a man behind him.

"Either your kids won't have have mother or father." Cam said as he walked closer towards me

He looked to the left of him were Shay was sitting. Her brown skin was covered in marks and dry blood . She sat on the floor with only pants and a bra .

"At least she has pants " I thought .

And maybe your brother will never see you again? I'm getting tired of playing this game with you and needed a new toy. One that I might actually keep. He said as he looked at me.

Or maybe you will die. Have you ever thought about that? I asked with a smirk.

He raised an eyebrow as he bent down towards my level.

"See Trey, I told you this one was special." He said as the man behind him nodded his head.

"No wonder why Von keeps you close." He said.

He gripped  my thigh hard as I instantly felt pain but didn't give him the pleasure of knowing.

See this was the plan all along. I knew he would let his emotions cloud his judgment in that moment once he found out what I almost accomplish. I knew you would try to stop him and that makes him anger because he thinks you're too good. Even too good for him. Maybe it's true. Only thing that wasn't plan was that bitch ass Nigga Durk getting shot, but shit happens. He said.

It only took him about 10 hours to realize that you weren't back at the hotel or home . I guess that's what love is about . He said

I looked down as my feelings were slightly hurt.

"Oh look who doesn't have much to say now." Cam said laughing.

"Leave her alone." Shay said in my defense.

Shut the Fuck up. He yelled as he grabbed my thigh tighter.  I jumped from the pain.

"Oh I thought you liked it rough? He said.

I didn't say anything as he wrapped his hands around my neck.

"Answer me when I talk to you." He said

His hands got tighter as I struggled for air.

He finally let go as he kicked me in my stomach before punching me in my face.

The salty taste of blood poured into my mouth.

I felt my hands being free as my body fell onto the floor.

I gripped the floor for support as I tried to stand up until I was kicked back down in my back.

"I didn't tell you to stand up." Cam yelled.

I cough as blood poured out my mouth.

He pulled me by my hair dragging me across the floor before throwing me into the wall.

"Turn the camera off" That's all he needs to see to get the message. I heard Cam say.

I grabbed my arm as I was in pain. I knew it was probably broken.

"Even like this you're still pretty asf." I heard him say.

My eye sight was drowsy as she stood over me.

"What are you doing?" I managed to say as I saw him  drop his pants.

I tried to move once more as held onto my leg.

"Not this time." He whispered as he put all of his weight on me.

"Boss" I heard someone say.

What? Cam yelled.

We have a breach about two hours out. The man said .

Cam smirked; "I guess she does want you after all." He said as he stood up pulling his pants up as well.

My heart was racing as I finally let my tears fall.

Jasmine? Jas? I heard my name being called.

I didn't answer her as I pulled myself against the wall.

"Please say something." She said.

Although I didn't as I held onto my arm again.

Author's Note : where Von at? My girl going through it!

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now