Chapter 37

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Long Live King Von 💙🥶🕊

Von's POV:

My vision was blurry as I walked inside the house.

I had been in the studio smoking half of the night .

I shook my head thinking about the shit that had happen to me earlier in the day .

Was he really my son? Or just another hoe trying to pin something on me?  I thought to myself.

Should I tell Jas or just wait until I knew for sure? That hoe had me fucked up if she thought I would check it for sure .

I took my shirt off as my oblock chain glowed in the dark on my bare chest.

"Why the Fuck did I buy a house with all these steps?" I thought to myself as I reached the last one .

As I stopped at my bedroom door I could see a light on from down the hall.

I was ready for Shay ass to go home tomorrow. I thought to myself.

She was cool and all but I've been having too much female drama in my life .

I opened the door as I walked inside the bedroom.

As I glanced at the window I could see a shadow from the window .

"Jas?" I called out. What you doing still up? I asked.

A bright light turned on as my eyes were met with hers .

What you on? I asked. Turn the light out .

What the Fuck is this? And don't even think about telling no stupid ass lie. She said as she threw a phone at me.

What the Fuck is wrong with you? Don't be throwing shit at me. I said.

I glanced down at the phone as a headline with Durk and I picture read : A blast from the past leads to a child.

"What the Fuck?" I thought to myself.

I can explain. I said quickly.

You can explain? That's all you have to fucking say? Is he your son? She asked more aggressively.

Why are you being so loud? I asked . I hadn't seen her this upset in a long time .

How should I fucking be? Should I be happy? Then she had this bitch smiling in my face.

Is this were you disappeared to while I was pregnant a few years back because you couldn't fucking handle it? But you could handle her? She asked as she mushed my head back.

"Keep your hands to yourself gang" are you crazy or something? I asked.

Or what? She asked.

Jasmine don't play with me.

Is he yours or not? She asked.

I don't know! I yelled.

Everything became silent in that moment. 

You better hope that he isn't . She finally said.

If he is then it is what it is. I'll stand by it and take care of him. I said angrily. It came out more harsh than what I attended.

"Of course" we're the only ones who get left in a time of need.

That was five years ago. Let that shit go. We were young and I know it was fucked up for me to disappear like that. I don't know how many times I can say sorry and I barley say that shit.

You were the only acting like you were young . I had to grow up . She said .

Like why her ? Why did you have to bring her here? Why do you always feel the need to embarrass me in so many ways . Why the Fuck do I continue to stay here? She yelled .

There are so many dudes that would die to treat me right .

I looked at her as she walked back and forth .  I could see the tears in her eyes .

I gripped her arm as her body fell into mine .

What ? Say that shit again. I said to her.

"What Niggas?" Because they can end up dead. I said.

"Let me go" she said as I let her arm go because she could catch her feet causing her to fall back onto the bed .

"Stop saying that stupid shit around me ." Fuck I know I Fuck up then and even know. I don't know why I do the shit, it just happens.

I hate you . She said .

Stop saying shit like that. I know you're upset but you don't mean that .

We're leaving for a few days and if he's yours then I don't want anything to do with you . She said .

She walked towards the crib as tried to pick King up .

I stopped her as I pinned her hands against the wall.

It's 3 in the morning . Why you always trying to drag them into some shit that we have going on.

Get your ass in the bed . I said .

I quickly scooped her off her feet as I sat on the bed with her in my lap.

My arms wrapped around her

"I know you're hurting and I'm sorry because this is my fault." I said honestly.

If he's mine then I'll let you go because I wouldn't ask you to deal with that . I said .

She started to cry more as I laid her down.

My phone started to ring from an unknown number.

Who is this ? I asked as I answered.

This JB Nigga.  He said.

Why the Fuck are you calling my phone? I asked.

"I see you still on there mistreating my sister." He said.

Don't worry about it this time. She dead to me anyway.

Don't have your mind wrapped around that little kid situation either. He probably not yours anyway. He said.

How the fuck do you know that about that? I said.

You better start counting your days because when I see you it's over. I said.

He laughed through the phone. Shit. I taught y'all little dudes good growing up. At this point its only two ways out for me. Be killed or give him what he asking for. He said.

"I hope these funeral homes ready to make sone money because it's about to be a lot of bodies dropping.

"Yeah, only on your side." I said. You remember we didn't start calling ourselves get back gang for no reasons. You're the only one who couldn't handle it. When I start dropping y'all I might just slide through the funerals and do it again. Don't fucking call my phone anymore and you know what time I'm on when I see you . I said .

That's the Von I know . I was starting to think this rap shit was making y'all weak.

"Never that." I said as I hung up .

Author's Note : y'all think that's his son?

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now