Chapter 30

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Author's Note: YALL! I'm so sleepy because I've been moving all weekend and I have to work tomorrow along with me going back school.

Jasmine's POV:

The roads were darker than normal as I keep my hands steady on the wheel and my eyes glued to the wheel.

"Mommy, the baby keeps screaming." August yelled from the backseat.

"I know baby, he's just still scared that's all." I said.

"I'm not scared, daddy said I should never be scared." He said.

I rolled my eyes "fuck your daddy." I thought to myself.

"I know." It's okay to be scared sometimes, besides he's only a baby. I said to August.

I pulled into the hotel parking lot as I parked the car.

"I hate hotels mommy." August said.

"It will only be for a few days and then we will leave baby." I said as I got out the car.

I shook my head as I was still trying to process everything that happened.

In a moment, I could have lost my whole family.

Why were you driving so fast? I head a voice from behind me say.

"Damn Nicki do you always have to creep up on someone?" I yelled.

Bella and Lo stood quietly behind her.

I placed my gun back inside my bag quickly before they could notice.

"I wasn't driving fast you just couldn't keep up."

"Where is Shay?" I asked.

Riding with Leah. You know she hates this hotel.

I only nodded my head.

"We must be the worst host in the world." I said to Nicki.

Girl, we deal with hood dudes she will understand. Nicki said .

"I laughed ." Shut up . Help me with the kids, I said as I pulled the car seat out .

"You know that your brother did this right?" He's not letting up Jasmine.
I stopped in my tracks. "I hadn't spoken his name in months." Would he really go that low to possibly allowing my kids to get hurt.

I shut that thought out as I already knew that answer.

"It's not surprising." I said as I continued to walk inside the hotel.

We all walked slowly into the hallway lobby as we checked in.

Our rooms were on were on the top floor towards the penthouse.

"Do you want us to come in for a while? Nicki asked.

"No, I'm fine." I said without looking back.

"I softly shut the door behind me as the kids ran inside the bedroom.

Quickly I help them with a bath and placed them in bed as the fell asleep.

King fell asleep shortly after I fed him. I placed him in the bed as I walked inside the living room.

My head was a mess as so many thoughts ran through my mind.

Part of me knew Dayvon would never do anything with Brittany. I had to believe that, although in that moment I didn't know what to believe. I didn't even know who Brittany had become.

My hand ran across my phone before I pressed the number to call Von.

"Are you ok?" Where are you? You know I didn't do anything with Brittany right m? Besides it was a set up, she's with that hoe ass Nigga Jacob. I swear when I see both of them I'm going to kill them.

I quickly hung up the phone as I placed it on the table .

My heart was racing. With Jacob? Why the Fuck would Brittany do something like that? I thought to myself.

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I ran my hand across my face to dry them.

There was no time for that. Brittany had already picked her side of the game.

I always knew she wanted to bed front and center and felt in the background when was with us.

She had always felt that way but I never thought she would go this low to betray my trust.

My head was pounding as my stomach started to hurt more.

My wounds weren't clearly healed.

I walked slowly into the bathroom as I started to take a shower.

As I closed my eyes I heard something drop from the other room.

I quickly turned off the water and wrapped a robe around me as I walked out.

"Fuck my gun was in the closet locked away."

"It's only me." I heard a voice say.

I rolled my eyes as I looked at Von.

Fix your face. You thought I wasn't going to find out were you were and come?

I told you a long time ago that you were stuck with me. He said.

"You look cute with your hair wet like that." He added.

Shit. He said lowly.

"What? I asked.

I looked at his arm as he was bleeding.

"Here, let me see." I said as I pulled him into the bathroom.

He stood near the sink as I cleaned his arm.

"It was only a graze." I said angrily.

It's good to see that you can still talk. He said.

I glanced at him as I quickly looked away.

"Don't fall in love again." I said over and over to myself.

I hated when he gave me that look when he licked his lips.

"Freak" why was I even made again? Because my friend lied to me about something that wasn't true to lower us into a trap for my brother? I thought to myself.

Jas? You know I didn't do anything with that girl right?

Before I knew it I was sitting on the counter top.

I nodded my head slowly.

I glanced around his shoulders as his arms tighten around my waist.

His thick lips found my neck as I slightly through my head back.

My body started to heat up as he lips traveled down my chest.

"Good because this is only yours." He said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about them right now." He said as I gave in into his wishes.

Author's Note: Good thing that Jasmine didn't act dumb as stay mad for long . We will get into some drama next chapter!

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now