Ch.7: It Begins

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Siyeon wakes up in her bed hoping to hold her husband in her arms, only to find the other side of the bed empty. "He must have gone to work." She frowned a bit. Last night was perfect and she wanted those moments to last just a bit more the next day.

She got out of bed and started to get dressed. Waking up in a good mood, she wanted to wear one of her favorite outfits. She decided to wear a black pair of dress pants and a white, flowy blouse. She made sure to wear her black heels as well since they were her favorite pair that she owned.

She started to head down the stairs. As she was on the last step, Siyeon suddenly heard a crack and started to fall forward. Luckily, one of the butlers was there to catch her. "Ma'am, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you. Don't know what could've happened if you weren't standing there." She looked down at the source. Her heel had snapped. She must have misjudged the step and tripped. She took the shoes off and went back up the stairs. "Be right back! Be ready to catch me!" She joked. 

 As she was walking up, she was a bit confused. The heels had no trace of being worn out, especially to the point where the heel could break. She took good care of her shoes and would've noticed if there was something not right about them. How could they have snapped like that? Sure, it could've been from the misstep, but the worst that could've done was make her stumble a bit. She had no idea what caused the heels to break on her. 

When she got back to her room, she went to try to get her backup pair of heels. She had a moment of hesitation recalling what just happened and decided to go with her flats instead. What would've happened the next time she fell and no one was there? She just wanted to play it safe for now.

She went down the stairs, carefully this time, thanked the butler that saved her, and left to go to the local coffee shop. She ordered an Americano and sat in her usual spot by the window. There wasn't much of a view. It was just near a busy street. Siyeon still found it interesting as she liked to see how the people walking on the sidewalk lived. It was a nice way to pass the time as she drank her coffee. As she was savoring her drink, she heard a familiar voice call out her name. "Hey Siyeon!"

"Hey Sua! Long time no see." Siyeon giggled.

"Came to get your fix?" Sua asked pointing at the coffee.

"Yep. Can't function without it."

"How did your anniversary go?"

"It went really well! I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a guy like him."

Sua didn't say anything for a second. She thought about how she wanted Siyeon to say that about her. Not wanting Siyeon to think she was upset, she tried to smile again. "Wow, he sounds like an amazing guy."

"He is!"

Sua's thoughts started to wander as Siyeon told her about last night after she left. She was happy for Siyeon and how she had created a happy life for herself while Sua was away in Seoul, but inside, she had a bit of regret. She should have told her how she felt. Even if the response could've ended in complete disaster, at least she would've let it out and get closure instead of having this huge weight on her shoulders. She wished she could go back and reject the offer and confessed then and there. Now it was too late and she has to watch the love of her life be married to a guy, not knowing that her best friend is in love with her.

Sua was pulled out of her thoughts when Siyeon was bringing up the topic of the crime report that was on the news. "Them again?" She heard Siyeon say as she followed her eyes towards the direction of the tv in the corner. 

There was a report on some local robberies. The newscaster started to give more details on the crimes that have been widely talked about multiple times on the news. "It's heavily suspected that these crimes have been done by who the community calls our local 'Robin Hood', who has been known to steal from businesses owned by huge corporations.  Whoever has been robbing these places leaves a memento behind in the form of a black business card with red metallic printed roses in the corners and a cursive word written in gold which simply reads 'Repent'. It is still a mystery as to why these businesses are receiving these messages as they are from companies that have a good reputation among the public. There will be further investigation of these crimes in the meantime. For now, it is unknown what company is on their radar next. If you see anyone with suspicious behavior, call this number. It could bring us one step closer to giving this criminal justice." 

"They've done, like, 3 robberies this week. I'm surprised they haven't been caught yet. It's like they are stealing on a whim with how little of time they plan in between." Siyeon said.

"How do you know they haven't been planning this for a while?" Sua responded. 

"Are you defending criminals? I thought I actually knew you." Siyeon tried to tease her jokingly.

"No, no." Sua giggled. "I just like to think from different perspectives. It's more interesting to think from the robber's point of view." Sua changed the subject. "Anyways, let's get back to us. I never got the chance to talk to you more. I'm busy today, but can I get your number so that we can talk whenever we want and plan a day to hang out?"

"Great idea! It'll give us more time to catch up. Of course! Here!" Siyeon hands her cellphone over to Sua.

Trying to hide her excitement, Sua puts her number in her crush's cellphone. "I'll text you so you can save my number." She sends the text and heard Siyeon's phone ding.

"Guess I got it." Siyeon looked at the message. Sua sent her a wink. "Yep, this is definitely yours." Siyeon laughed. Sua laughed as well.

As they were laughing, a waitress walks by to deliver coffee to the table next to them and trips. The coffee spilled all over Siyeon's top. The waitress started to panic. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"It's alright. Things like this happen." Her shirt was destroyed, but she didn't want to tell that to the waitress. It was hard enough to make money in this job and she didn't want to make it worse for her. She knew that feeling of making an expensive mistake. She didn't want the same thing to happen to her. She looked at the waitress, who was still panicking. "Don't worry about it." Siyeon was genuine in that statement and she hoped that the waitress noticed that too.

The waitress started to calm down. "I'll be right back. I got to clean up the mess. After that, we can discuss what we can offer you for this mishap." The waitress turned and left.

"Are you sure it's fine? I don't think anything's gonna come out of that shirt." Sua asked.

"I have other blouses. It sucks that it happened to my favorite one, but I can buy another one just like it."

"At least let me drive you home so you can get a different one."

"It's not that long of a walk. Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't want you walking around with a stained blouse."

Siyeon smiled, "Alright. I'll take you up on the offer."

They left for Sua's car after the waitress came back. They decided that it was good enough to just have a free coffee voucher for the next visit. Siyeon made sure to give her her tip on the way out. They got into Sua's black Audi and start heading back to Siyeon's house. "What's up with today?" Siyeon thought as she was wondering why the day started out like this. "First the heel, now the blouse. Oh God, please don't let my pants rip!"


Author's Note

I don't know how frequently I want to make the author's notes, but I felt the need to do so here.

I tried to make a plan on when to release each chapter. First, it was every Thursday, then it became every Wednesday and Thursday, and then it went back to Thursday. I do plan on posting on Thursdays most of the time. This time is different.

The reason why this chapter is late is that I wanted to fix any potential plot holes. For example, there was a plot hole that would affect more of Siyeon's backstory. I also wanted to make sure I was in the right mood to write since I feel it's going to impact my writing. 

This'll be the longest author's note I would write since there was a bit more to explain.

I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for reading! I appreciate it. Especially since this is my first story ever.

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