Ch.24: Release

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Warning: This chapter is a little spicy, but it doesn't dive fully in. Also, mild amount of strong language.

"I can't believe I pushed it off for so long. It's going to be so awkward, but I have to do it." Siyeon thought. She needed to talk to Sua about what happened on training day and the kiss at Odd Eye. It's just that things were hectic lately and there wasn't much time to think about it. it's been so long, but she didn't want to put it off even longer. They needed a place to do this alone. With a deep breath and butterflies in her stomach, Siyeon took her phone out and texted Sua to meet her.

Hey! Can I meet you at your
place at around 8? Alone? There's
something we need to talk about.

Oh. Of course! Is everything
ok, Siyeon? What's wrong?

It's nothing you should be
worried about. I'll explain.
Can I come over, please?

Ok. Sure, I'll figure something

The time soon approached and Siyeon was fidgeting due to her nervousness. Was she imagining things? She couldn't have. She saw that she leaned in too. Hell, she was the one that had the kiss plan. Or was that just it? Just her quick thinking that fit well with their roles in that situation? No, she didn't want to doubt herself and back out. Sure, she was terrified that nothing would ever be the same again if worst comes to worst, but she had to know. The curiosity was eating at her. "Could the curse ruin this?" She got that thought out of her mind as quickly as it entered. She would not let that paranoia control her. Whatever the result was tonight, it would give her the closure she needs and move forward. She knocked on the door.


From the text messages she got from Siyeon, Sua was still worried about what she had to say. Even though she told her there was nothing to worry about, she couldn't help it. She loved her too much not to be this way. She just hoped that Siyeon was right and that everything was going to be fine. She heard the knock and went to let Siyeon in.

The door opened and Sua welcomed Siyeon inside and they both sat on the couch. "So, what is this about?"

"Is Dami here?"

"No, I told her we needed to talk alone and she left to go in town. It's only us right now."

"Ok, good." Siyeon sighed. "Here goes nothing." She thought before she spoke again. "Remember what happened during training? After we talked about Taehyung?"

"Yes. I do." Sua's face yet again turned red. "Why?"

"I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I felt something from you. I've been wondering what would've happened if Dami wasn't there. Then there's that kiss in Odd Eye. Was it just for the plan? I need to know Sua, it's been wracking in my brain ever since it happened."

Sua was completely shocked by the fact that she has been thinking about that kiss for so long. She didn't think that Siyeon might figure out her feelings for her. She didn't know if she had felt the same way back or was just trying to figure things out. She didn't want to lie to her best friend, so she admitted it. "You're right, you did feel it. I've had a crush on you for years. Even when I was at college. I tried to forget about you when I was dating Taehyung, but that never happened. I just kept thinking about what could've been if I was brave enough to tell you before I left. I didn't want to ruin my relationship with you and I was scared at the possibility of losing you. That's why I stayed silent back then. I don't know if you felt the same way or even rolled that way, but I can't help but still like you in that way. I was devastated inside to know that you were married that asshole. He just had to continue to hurt me in one way or another, whether he was aware of it or not." Sua sighed before she continued. "I'm sorry if my feelings for you make you uncomfortable. I understand if you don't roll that way at all. I just wanted to tell you before I do anything else that could weird you out." Sua looked down towards her lap, prepared for the possible rejection. She was ready to tear up.

"I'm not weirded out." Siyeon responded. Sua looked back up at her in surprise. It seemed sudden during her conversation on the phone, but Siyeon had realized her feelings after she talked with Yoohyeon before she moved in with her and Jiu. Maybe when Siyeon flirted back in high school, it wasn't platonic as well. She just denied it since she's her best friend. But when she kept thinking about it, it became more obvious that she had feelings for her too. It just took her four years to realize it. "Over this past month, I had realized I had a crush on you for years too. I might not have recognized it as a crush at first, but when I looked back after all these years, I was actually falling for you. It's kind of dumb for me to figure that out after so long, but ever since I thought about it, my crush on you has become stronger. So when we were talking during training, I was drawn into the moment too. Even at Odd Eye, I almost forgot to look at the door, because I was so lost in the kiss. When I said you were a good kisser I wasn't kidding. I couldn't stop thinking about it. All the things I felt from it. Every touch never left my memory."

Both of them couldn't believe they confessed to each other. They just stared at each other for a moment until the tension started to build again. Their chests were pounding in anticipation. Siyeon wanted that intoxicating kiss back. She needed to feel her touch again. They both leaned in and, without a certain someone to interrupt this time, their lips were finally able to meet. Sua released all of the emotions she had held back into the kiss. She felt like she wanted to be able to remember this moment for the rest of her life as if she will never get to experience another kiss from her ever again. Siyeon felt her emotions coming through and fell deeper into the kiss, taking in every moment of contact. They were both able to release their hidden feelings for each other at that moment. It was like there was nothing around them, just the two of them. They pulled apart and put their foreheads together. "I can't believe this is actually happening. I've been waiting for so long." Sua admitted and giggled in joy. She thought that this was something that could only happen in her fantasies. Was she dreaming? If she was, she never wanted to wake up from it.

"I'm glad it did." Siyeon responded as she pulled in Sua by her collar for another kiss. This one was more heated than the last. Siyeon leaned Sua back on the couch as their kissing got more passionate. They pulled away again, but this time, Sua bit Siyeon's bottom lip before they separated. Feeling that they were on the same page, Siyeon asked, "Can we? I don't want to rush things?" Sua nodded. They continued to kiss until Sua felt her shirt start to unbutton.

"Not here. Let's go somewhere more comfortable" Sua whispered into her ear. They both went into Sua's room as they continued to make out. Siyeon pushed her onto the bed and smirked at her before sharing their first passionate night together and falling asleep in each other's arms.


Author's Note:

Sorry to cut the night short as this is the part where they release all their feelings for each other. The thing is, I cannot write those kinds of scenes. For one, I'm terrible at them. And secondly, it makes me a bit uncomfortable to write. I hope you understand. So if you're expecting me to go fully in what they do. I'm sorry, that's not gonna happen. This is an important aspect of the book, so I was trying my best to get this right. I was nervous to release this chapter because of that. I just hope the small amount of spice was enough for you all.

Also, thank you for almost 1k reads and 100 votes! I can't believe I got to that point! I also noticed that there has been more comments from people enjoying the story. I usually try my best to respond to them if I can think of anything to say, but lately I never had time due to personal stuff that happened recently. I'm glad you're all enjoying this story, though, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter regardless of my limitations.

Thank you for reading and see ya next week!

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