Ch. 52: Final Briefing

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It was the last meeting until the final moments. Everyone was nervous but they had to focus. They wanted to make sure everything would go right, especially Siyeon. Anything could go wrong and she had to be prepared to stop them. At least she had Sua there with her. She admitted that she would've been driven insane if there wasn't another person there that understood both of her circumstances. Thanks to her, she was able to calmly set up the backup plans. Sua also helped think about things from different perspectives if something happened that she wouldn't be prepared for if she did it herself.

Unlike the other meetings, Sua was the one to start. "We have a general idea of what we're doing, but we need to delve into detail. There are still more things we haven't talked about. For one, we have updates on some situations. Dami, it's your time to shine!" She put some theatrics while segueing the conversation to Dami.

"Uh, right. So, since recon, no one has gone into that room. Meaning their once-a-week meetings were just a rumor. We'll still keep our eyes on it since it's still suspicious.  Luckily for us, Sua set a camera up there in the end vent of the room to catch whatever they are doing whether it happens during the heist or after. All we have to do is to get it back once we caught them."

"What about the other door, the one that Yoohyeon led the man to?"

"You'd think he'd be more careful, but I guess not. They never installed new cameras, so the one in that area just barely shows the door. Either their foresight is shit or they probably figured that no one could get past without a keycard anyways, so they don't see any threat going near it. It makes sense when most of their business is in the secret room, from what I heard from you guys. So, sadly, that won't help us disguise-wise. But it's a huge advantage for hiding our tracks."

"Plus, we'll figure something out about our disguises. For being a big organization, they won't know everyone. I think we can get by. Speaking of our disguises how are the suits going?" Sua asked.

As if by cue, Handong stood up and attached her sketches to the whiteboard proudly. Something that started out so stressful to her, ended up becoming a fun challenge that she was proud of beating. "What's that?" Siyeon asked, trying to understand the drawings albeit still a bit confused.

"This is the suit. I was having trouble at first, but I had Gahyeon and Yoohyeon help me come up with ideas. Our brainstorming culminated into this!" On the board were three sketches of the costume. One in its suit form, one mid-transformation, and the last in its final dress form. The first and the last pictures were fairly simple. They were just pictures of the suits and dresses. The middle one was more complicated. To everyone seeing the plans the first time, they seemed to look like industrial blueprints that showed every inch and detail of the mechanisms used to make this transformation possible. In reality, it wasn't as complicated as those, but enough to raise a few eyebrows.

"I still have no idea what's going on here. I get that the suit is turning into a dress, but what's all this?" Siyeon was circling her finger around the second picture.

"That's a bit of theater magic! I haven't done anything like that before, so I teamed up with Yoohyeon to give me ideas. It was actually a lot of fun to do! I'll have Yoohyeon explain the rest. She's more experienced with this kind of thing."

Yoohyeon pointed to a diagram of a crochet pattern on the sketch. "This right here is called a breakaway loop. It's crocheted in a way where the two pieces can separate with no problems. when needed. For this suit, we have two of them. One on each side under the collar. In a theater sense, having these two breakaways in a place like that would be impractical, but we're not on a stage. It works well enough for this."

"Then how do we keep them together?"

"Simple! With a pin! We have to make sure it's secure enough to stay, obviously, but it's an easy way to quickly separate the pieces. Once we pull the pin, the suit shirt would start to peel like a banana and the bottom of the dress would start to flow out from it. We also put a small weight in there to keep the dress down. Nothing too heavy of course. It's about the same weight as a coin."

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