Ch. 27: Time to Explain

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"Yoohyeon! I thought you were still at work!"

"They let me go early. Now answer my question, what the hell is going on here?" There was no use hiding it. The evidence was everywhere. The floor plans, the project infiltration options, and the many, many people inside their apartment right now were enough to give Yoohyeon a ton of red flags. While everyone else was silent, in the background, they could hear Dami quietly thinking out loud wondering why this keeps happening to them.

"I- um. I-" Jiu started.

Siyeon interrupted, "It's my fault. I needed to do something to help you guys out. I didn't mean to look at your mail, but the eviction notice was staring at me right in the face. This was the only way."

"Robbing a casino was your only way?! What about your jobs? That was more than enough to help us! You don't need to go into anything illegal. I'll always find a way to keep us living here anyway."

"But what if it doesn't work this time around? I don't want either of you on the streets."

"But a heist isn't the answer. Don't you think that's a little extreme?!"

"No, it's not. It's not only gonna help us, but it's gonna help a lot of other people."

"You're starting to sound like that 'Robin Hood' on the news."

"It's true, though! The people running that place are bad news. People are afraid of living their lives freely because of the group owning the area."

"Why do you think you need to be involved with that issue anyways? It sounds awful to say, but there can be other people who can help them."

"What if there isn't? People there have gotten used to criminal activity because they figure someone else is going to fix it. What they don't realize is that everyone in the area had the same idea. They are just waiting for someone to do something, but no one will. They are all waiting for that help and I'm going to be the one who actually does it."

"But why you, then?"

Siyeon was trying her hardest to justify this crime. "Look, Taehyung owns it. He's the leader in all of this. I need to make sure he doesn't ruin anyone else's lives."

"Siyeon, no matter what asshole is involved, this is too dangerous! How did you drag Sua into this?! Jiu, why are you here too?! Why would you get yourself involved?"

"To live in peace. I just want you to have a stress-free life away from constant stress. I want to go somewhere where we could live happily. To create our own little utopia." Jiu told her.

"Jiu, this is going too far. Isn't there something you can do legally to get to that goal?"

"Unfortunately, no. No matter what we do, it's just gonna be an endless cycle of making ends meet. I don't want you to live this way anymore.  Please, do not tell anyone about this." Jiu said.

"Of course not. Why would I want to ruin my girlfriend's life? I love you and appreciate all your efforts to make me happy. I just don't want you to make the biggest mistake of your life." 

"I won't. With everyone here involved, we're gonna be completely careful of everything.  I'm not telling you to not worry about me. That's normal. I just need you to trust me."

"I do trust you. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." Yoohyeon paused to think things over before ultimately deciding, "And I'm going to make sure that nothing bad happens. I'll join you guys."

"Woah, woah, woah! That's not something you can decide!" Dami interjected their moment. "This isn't some fundraiser you can volunteer for. This is a heist. You need to have certain skills for it."

"I have skills!" Yoohyeon tried to brainstorm different heist roles she could actually do. "What don't you have already?"

"We pretty much got everything. Sorry." Dami said.

"Well, not entirely." Gahyeon interjected. "We need a distraction. We used them for our bank heists to make sure things ran smoothly without the cops catching onto us as quickly."

"That's true! It would be hard to sneak around the place when the security guards would be watching our every move. They are placed at every door in the area, so having a distraction that would move their attention away from that location would work wonderfully." Jiu backed up Gahyeon's idea.

"I can do that! I've seen some movies where there is a character seducing one of the guards away. I can definitely do that!"

"I'm sure you can, sweetie. But I would kill the man if he tried anything." Jiu said.

"Plus, I think they would expect that. It's not like they don't watch heist movies as well. They'd get suspicious if someone tries to seduce them. Sure, it could be an effective method at first, but afterwards, the guards would realize that something's off and be on high alert." Sua added. "A distraction could work, but let's move away from the sexy kind."

"What other kind is there?"

"Well, there's the loud kind, the clumsy kind, or both to name a few."

"The clumsy kind! That's perfect actually! Not only can I fall, but I can also fake an injury that they would've 'caused'. They would be too focused on a possible lawsuit to notice you guys sneaking in. If they won't budge, I can get loud."

"The thing is, can you make it convincing?" Sua asked.

"I've been to all her shows so far and I think her acting is pretty amazing." Jiu said.

"You're an actor?"

"I'm a stage actor. I've been doing plays on the side since I graduated." Yoohyeon answered Sua's question confidently.

"We can't base your potential on a biased opinion. Of course, your girlfriend would think you're amazing." Dami added.

"But...I can't let her do this alone?! What if she gets put in jail?! I can't stand being here without her knowing she did all this for me." Yoohyeon eyes started getting watery. "I'd feel so guilty! Even more so if I just let it happen. Please. Just please let me in. I could do anything you guys need, just let me be with her." At this point, tears were starting to flow down her face as she begged to join them.

"Oh, um, I..." Dami started to hesitate. She wasn't completely cold. She understood the fear of seeing a loved one in jail. She knew how hard it can be. She didn't want Yoohyeon to experience the pain that she first felt years ago. Although, she still had to keep her appearances up, so she responded, "We can try and think of something, but we can't guarantee it." She wanted to compromise with her at least.

"Great! Thank you!" Yoohyeon immediately stopped crying and had a smirk on her face when she saw all the shocked faces minus Jiu.

"I told you she was good." 

"Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I didn't feel every bit of those things, I just amped up the tears. Otherwise, everything I said and feel is true. So was that good enough for you all?"

"Dude, I was actually gonna cry." Gahyeon said.

"I guess." Dami answered Yoohyeon's question with a monotone voice. She didn't like having her feelings played with. It's true that Yoohyeon had to prove herself, but why did it have to be something that hurt her personally? She can't entirely blame Yoohyeon since she didn't know her past, but she was still upset by it. Even so, she did prove herself and she had to move on from it. "We'll promise that nothing bad will happen to the both of you. You don't have to worry. Have a seat."

Siyeon started to bring the conversation back to the meeting. "Alright, since we have everyone, now we can actually begin."

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