Ch.31: Security Breach

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There it was. Red Sun. This was the first time any of them had stepped foot even near it. Whatever nerves they had, they had to not let it show on their faces. All they had to do is wait for Dami's command to go in.

Unlike everyone else, Dami was back at her room in her apartment. She was more comfortable this way. She'd rather be in her wired jungle than go scouting the place with people she didn't fully trust yet.

Before she began, she made a mental checklist of all the things she needed for the operation. She wanted to save all her time and effort for the mission. She had multiple setups for all the hacking she had to do. There were three monitors, a couple of computer consoles (one of which was a backup if the other one got overloaded), multiple external hardrives, and a fresh cup of coffee. Once she was all set up and fully caffeinated, she'd be able to keep a close eye on everyone. There is a lot of things she had to keep track of that the rest of the crew wasn't aware of. In fact, she was the one keeping everything under control. She didn't know what would've happened if they didn't have her. On her go, everything would begin. She just had to wait for everyone's cameras to go online. Everyone's was on at this point, except for one. "Um, Hound. I need you to turn your camera on."

"I thought I did!"

"Maybe the earrings aren't working. Here, you can let me hang onto them for now." Jiu requested.

"They probably broke when I accidentally dropped them when I tried to put them on." Yoohyeon handed her the defective cameras and put them in her purse.

"You have the spare right?" Jiu asked.

"Yeah, right here." Yoohyeon pointed to her necklace and pressed the button on the back. It was specially designed not to shake as she walked so that they could get good footage. "Did that work?"

"Yep, everything should be online now. Let's go over the plan before we go in. While I'm helping Rabbit with the control panel, Wolf and Queen will go chat with other patrons and, if they charm their way to it, the staff. But don't do it unless you're sure you can. Understood?"

"Of course! Don't underestimate the power of my charisma." Siyeon cockily replied back through the radio.

"We'll be careful though." Sua reassured Dami.

"Good. Now Fox, Snow, and Hound will search for any suspicious areas. Once Rabbit comes back, we'll have the rest of you split up by our decided couples. We need to cover as much ground as we can over the week. Remember not to rush this. If we do, it will be easy for the security guards to catch on. Be careful. Have fun!"

With that as the signal, everyone started to walk inside. Dami kept a keen eye on all six of the cameras keeping everyone in check. "Alright Rabbit, are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be."

"Ok. Lead the way. Like you said, you know this place like the back of your hand." Jiu walked in and started heading toward the back. The casino was themed in different shades of dark red compared to the dull exterior of the building. The entire area was mostly covered in slot machines with sparse areas for the table games and bars. She didn't miss the sound of the loud slot machines that seemed to ring practically every second, even for the smaller prizes that wouldn't mean much to the increasing losses that the players usually get themselves into. The environment was loud in general and with all the things that were running through her mind, it was starting to get overwhelming. She took a deep breath before composing herself and kept walking. She had to keep down the emotions she felt toward the management in order to avoid suspicion. She wasn't entirely sure if they would let her back there in the first place, considering that there were new security guards to replace everyone who got fired.

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