Ch. 12: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

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Confused, Siyeon looks at the apartment number and looks back at Jiu. The one at the door seemed to notice.

"Oh! You got the right place. Sorry. I'm used to people just knowing I live here."

"Wait, you're living here? Did something happen to you too? Man, Yoohyeon's being so generous."

"Um... She hasn't told you has she? Let's talk inside." Jiu invited Siyeon in, who was still confused with now more questions than before.

They sat on the couch. There was some awkward silence at first until Jiu broke it. "Are you ok? Yoohyeon told me." Siyeon's confused face turned into a blank serious one and she stayed silent. "I'm sorry. You don't have to talk about it. Especially since you weren't the one to tell me."

"No, it's fine. You're my friend too. It's just that it happened so soon. I'm just trying to recover. I need a distraction right now." In order to do so, Siyeon changed the subject. "How have you been?"

After the awkwardness, Jiu responded. "I've been doing good. I still work at Red Sun Casino. Got promoted to security manager, actually, so it pays better than before."

Siyeon was surprised. "Wait a minute. Now, don't take this as if I'm not happy for your promotion, but if there's nothing wrong then why are you living here? What else happened?"

"Oh! Nothing bad happened. Um...I'm not the right person to tell you, so I'd rather wait until Yoohyeon gets back so that she can do it." Despite knowing Siyeon since high school, they weren't the closest of friends, or at least, not to the point of Siyeon and Sua's friendship. Yoohyeon was a much closer friend than Jiu, since Yoohyeon had worked with Siyeon at the same coffee shop together every day for pretty much all of high school. Because of that, she felt that Yoohyeon should tell her.

"Alright?" Siyeon asked in a confused tone.

Jiu asked, "So, you're still working with Lily, right? How is she?" It's been a few months since the twins had seen each other, since they had both been busy.

"Yeah, I still do. She's actually doing great." Siyeon tells her how her business is going and Jiu smiles.

"That's great to hear."

Silence started to fill the air as they both had no idea where to take the conversation past the small talk. Jiu was respecting the fact that Siyeon didn't want to talk about the situation right now, so she didn't want to pry. She wanted to keep distracting Siyeon, but nothing much has happened since they last talked. The only thing she could do was wait until Yoohyeon showed up to bring the conversation back to life.

As if the universe heard her thoughts, the front door started to open. "I'm back. Is Siyeon here?"

"Yeah she is."

Yoohyeon pops her head into the living room with a small, fluffy, white dog with her on a leash. "Hey. Sorry I wasn't here sooner, I had to take Cherry out for a walk. She needed to let that energy out."

"There's another one!" Siyeon was focused on the small pup that she hadn't seen before. Jiu saw the joy in her eyes and was relieved that she found another distraction. "You're such a cutie! When did you get her?" She asked as she was petting Cherry.

"About a half a year ago. She's actually Jiu's dog, while I have Pie."

"Is that when Jiu moved in? Speaking of, Jiu said you're the only one who can explain why she's staying here. She is being dramatically cryptic."

"Right... You're gonna find out sooner or later so I might as well just say it now." She looked at a focused Siyeon as she took a deep breath. "We're dating." Yoohyeon waited nervously for her response. She had no idea how Siyeon was going to react. There was no hints that made it clear to her whether she would support relationships like theirs or not.

"Really?" Siyeon saw the nervousness in Yoohyeon's face. She knew how she felt. Coming out takes a lot. Not only is there nerves before telling someone, there's the worry that whoever they tell won't accept them. Siyeon knew the latter all too well and she would never have that happen to her two friends. Siyeon smiled before saying, "You two are look cute together. Thank you for telling me. How long have you two been together?" The worried looks on the couple's faces disappeared and was replaced with joy.

"No, thank you. I didn't know how I was gonna tell you. I was thinking about it on the way back. Let's see, we've been together for about a year now since we met at the wedding and yes, she moved in around the time we got Cherry."

"At least there's a couple that stayed happily together for that long and at my wedding, how sweet." Siyeon went back to remembering the reason why she's here. So many things happened so fast, that she couldn't process them quick enough. She started tearing up held back tears.

The couple looked worried again. Not about themselves this time, but for their friend who needed their comfort. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get upset. I caught what I said when it was too late."

"Don't be sorry. You were just starting to tell me how you guys met. That's normal. What would've upset was if you told me that with the intention to make me feel worse. I definitely know that's what you weren't trying to do. Plus, I think it's cute that you met at my wedding. Sounds like something from a book." Siyeon said as she was trying to recover. It really helped when there were friends around who can be there to comfort her. "I'm getting tired. I'm just going to bed early." Siyeon lied a bit so that she could think. She didn't want to hurt their feelings. "We can continue the conversation tomorrow morning."

"Alright. That's fine. Let me get your stuff for you, then. I'm not just gonna have you sleep on the couch without any bedding."

"Thanks again!"

"No problem."

As Siyeon laid there to go to sleep, she wondered whether or not to tell her the parts of the story she left out. "A lot happened today. Let's just let things cool down a bit before I can talk more about it. I need a clear head." She thought as she wanted to organize her thoughts before she spoke to them again.

Siyeon still couldn't sleep and decided to turn on the tv for a bit. There was a news report on a new robbery taking place and Siyeon can't believe where it was. "No! Not Jazz Bar!" She whisper yelled as she didn't want to wake anyone up. She knew that the businesses that were robbed had a hard time coming back again which meant they close down for good. Sadly for Siyeon's case, it was her favorite restaurant that she has been going to for years. It was the same "Robin Hood" as the previous reports say, calling card and everything. This was a special report, though, since there was a slip through the cracks that the criminal couldn't fix. There was security footage of them, which has never been caught before. The robber was wearing a black mask with only their eyes visible. They seemed like they were prepared for the mishap. As Siyeon was looking at the footage on screen, she looked at the robber's eyes. There was a sense of familiarity in them, but she couldn't pinpoint why. She put it toward the back of her mind now as it was the least she had to deal with at the moment. She was too busy thinking of all the events that happened that day. "Why is all this happening to me?" She thought before she drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note

June has been such a busy month of me, so I couldn't get much writing done. Because of that, there could be weekly updates that might be a couple days late at the most. I just wanted to let you guys know that for the future.

Thanks for reading! See ya next week!

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