Ch.20: Test Run

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Warning: Swearing

Over the next couple of days, the recon continued. Knowing full well that the curse was possible, Siyeon was more careful than she ever was. She wanted to make sure she didn't mess up everything for these two. All the work they put in would be for naught if she was the reason that Sua and Dami were caught. To solve the camera issue, Dami gave them an adhesive jammer that they would flick at the camera when they stretched. It isn't as safe as the coin, since they could easily be caught with it. They had to make sure no one was around the area or paying attention. This time it went pretty well. No one came to question her. She thought it was going smoothly this time. She didn't want to let her guard down though. Anything could happen. She had to stay on high alert at all times.

Sua noticed her tenseness and came over to her. "Are you ok? You seemed high-strung when I looked back at you. I know this is a tense situation, but let me help you a bit." She grabbed Siyeon's hand. "Look at me, alright." Siyeon nodded. "Let's take deep breaths together. Ready?" Sua started to take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Siyeon followed suit. As they were doing this exercise, Sua was rubbing the back of Siyeon's hand to reassure her. "Are you feeling better now? If you need anything, I'll be here for you."

"I'll be fine, thank you. That really helped." Siyeon replied. She still felt a bit tense though, but thanks to Sua, it alleviated a bit. She still had to be on guard, though. She cared so much about Sua. She didn't want any outside forces to ruin it for her. She didn't want it to ruin anything with her friends either, especially for all the good things they've done for her over the past month.

This was the last day of recon. All Sua had to do left was return the guard's keycard. She left it in a place where he could've misplaced it and both of them start to leave the club. They waited a couple of days afterward to get ready. Soon, it was almost time to start the main event. They had to go over their plan multiple times to make sure that there would be no loose ends. Before they knew it, it was time. While they were waiting near the location, Sua was whistling an upbeat sounding tune. She seemed as calm as ever. It made sense to Siyeon since Sua has done things like this many times before. Siyeon took a deep breath preparing herself for what's to come. Unlike her friend, she was completely nervous. Who wouldn't be when they are attempting the biggest crime that they have done in their lives? She suddenly felt a hand in hers. It was calming her. "As long as we stick to the plan, we should be alright. I mean, we went over it how many times? Don't worry. I believe you can do this. Plus, if things go wrong, I'm here for you. You ready?" Sua told her.

Siyeon took another breath before responding, "As ready as I'll ever be."

They both start to hear Dami's voice through their earpieces. "Alright, we should be good. You guys can start heading to the door. "Make sure to check your corners."

"Copy that," Sua responded. She looked at Siyeon. "Let's go." They rounded the corner to get into the alley and got to the door and Sua decided that this would be a good time to give Siyeon her next test. "I'll be on lookout. You get to lockpick. It's a really easy lock, so you can use the bobby pin method. You got this. Remember what I taught you."

Siyeon bent the bobby pins as she was taught. It wasn't perfect, but it would be effective enough to do its job. She was able to find the first lock pin before she ran into a problem. The pin broke in the lock. Luckily, enough of the pin was sticking out to be pulled out. "Um. Sorry. Do you have another pin?" She asked Sua, thinking that she is upset with her.

"Of course. Don't worry, this happens sometimes. Just make a new one and continue." Sua reassured her as she handed her another bobby pin. Siyeon bent the pin into the piece she needed and continued to easily get the rest of the lock pins. She looked at Sua smiling while being proud of what she had just done. "Amazing job for your first lock. You'll be a master of this in no time."

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