Ch 36: Balance

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Warning: Small Mention of Suicide

Siyeon woke up on the couch a little out of it. In her tired stupor, she couldn't remember what made her so exhausted. She looked towards the coffee table. It was hard to see the table's wood when everything was messily covered with the floor plans and articles. There was her answer. She was just worn out from all the research she did the night before. She wanted to neaten the area and hide the floor plans, before she did anything else, in case someone outside the crew comes to visit.

She went to get herself coffee to wake herself up and started to get ready. Once she's done with that, she considered going to Lily's store. Maybe she could help her alleviate all this pressure she's feeling. Maybe she can get Lily to amplify her good luck to fight with the curse. Just something in the meantime while she looked to break it. While she was at it, she also wanted to take the printed articles over there too. It could possibly give Lily hints on what this curse could actually be.

With her plan in mind, she took the articles and went over to Lily's shop to talk to her about it. She might still not believe it, but Siyeon needed her help in some way to make sure everything will be fine while she finds the "cure", especially so if she couldn't figure it out before the heist. Siyeon started to feel a sense of guilt. Lily was already doing so much for her and now she's adding more. Siyeon would forever be in her friend's debt.

When she entered the store, it seemed to be a slow day. Maybe one or two customers were there right now. "Good. Maybe we'll have time to talk." Siyeon didn't want to interrupt her while she was working, so she waited around a bit for the customers to leave before she went over to Lily. "Hey, is it ok if we talk, preferably in the back?"

"What's the matter, Siyeon? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, don't worry. I just want to talk."

"Ok. Sure." They both walk to the back room. "What's this about?" Lily asked worriedly.

"I know you're helping me with this curse thing, but I also need your help with something else. You might think it's ridiculous, but is there any way you can amplify..." Siyeon paused partway through, partially regretting asking about another crazy thing to her friend. "the ability of one of these stones?" She held out the jade she kept after the fair.

"It's not ridiculous. You can actually do that. Just not in the way you're probably thinking. It's not something to do with a magic spell or anything like that. It's mostly based on your intentions. If you want the stone to work well, it will. You have a connection to it that only you have."

"How do I do that?"

"Have you tried programming the stone?"

"Programming? Isn't that a computer thing?"

Lily giggled a bit. "In a way it kind of is. For computers, you program code to get the system to do what you ask it. In terms of crystals, you program your specific intentions to give the energy you desire. We just need to know why you want to amplify it and we'll work from there. I'm pretty sure this is still about the curse. Am I right?

"Yeah, I want to fight the curse with good luck. So, there actually is a way to make them more powerful?"

"Like I said before, the power is based on your intentions. You need to connect with the stone to communicate all the things you need from it."

"And the connection is through programming?"

"It can be. Crystals innately have a passive ability, but programming gives them more focus. It's not that hard to do. Give me a sec." Lily walked over to the front of the register and grabbed a pamphlet from the holder containing multiple other ones. "This right here gives a guide on how to do so as well as cleansing it later on. I'll show you how to do it, but this is just to give you a reminder when you actually do it. I can't have you do it here. You need a special place to do this and it's better when you're alone. I'll just run through the steps. Just pay attention."

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