Ch. 5: A Chance Encounter

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As she was thinking about the past, Siyeon hears her husband call for her name.

"Coming sweetie!" She responded as they left for the restaurant.

When they arrived at Jazz Bar and walked through the door, they noticed how crowded it was. "Maybe we should come here a different time." Siyeon suggested. She enjoyed this place more when there wasn't as many people there. Having as big of a crowd as tonight's made the area feel constricting. She didn't like being in confined spaces.

"Honey it's fine! I got us at a table that's away from everyone. I got you." Taehyung looks at the bar and then looks back at Siyeon. "How 'bout I get you a drink? What kind do want?"

"Just a beer for now."

"All right! Be back in a bit." They give each other a peck on the lips before he goes to the bar. With how many people are at the bar at the moment, she figures that it's gonna take a while to get it.

She looks at her phone for a bit, playing a couple games on it. As she turned her phone off and looked back up at the bar, she saw a girl exit the bar area and walked towards Siyeon.

Siyeon, while trying to figure out why she was coming this way, couldn't help but take in her features. The woman was wearing a short, sparkly black dress that fit her figure perfectly. She had long beautiful brown hair that flowed as if there was a gentle breeze as she walked. Looking at her face she saw the most beautiful smile she'ss ever seen and that smile made her recognize the woman. How could she ever forget that smile? Siyeon couldn't believe she was mesmerized by her high school best friend. It's been so long since she seen her. She looked good.

"Siyeon? Is that you?"

"Sua? What are you doing here? I thought you were still living in Seoul?!"

"I was, but I really missed home. I wanted to see my friends and family and I was so lucky to run into you tonight. I missed you."

"I really missed you too." They were inseparable in high school. It broke each other's hearts when Sua had gotten a scholarship to one of the biggest schools in the country. It was great news, of course, but it was sad to think about being separated from each other. Sua was going to refuse, but Siyeon jumped in saying to take the opportunity while she has it.

"How have you been?"

"Well, I'm almost done with school. I had to take a break for a year to make sure I don't get stressed out. I just wanted to come back home at some point when I had the free time. How about you?"

"I've been doing great! Me and my husband are celebrating our 1 year anniversary today."

"Oh! You're married! I figured you wouldn't just randomly be sitting at a table alone. Where is he?"

"He's at the bar over there ordering our drinks." She points over at her husband the best she could among the crowd.

Sua looks over at the bar, figuring out who it was as she and him made eye contact. Siyeon noticed that Sua's smile seemed to waiver a bit, but thought nothing of it. "Well, he seems to be coming back. I'll leave you two alone. I hope to see ya again real soon." SuA looked back at Siyeon and gave her a little wink. Siyeon didn't think much of it since they platonically flirted with each other in high school. "Congrats!" SuA said walking away and Siyeon can't help but to watch her for a bit until her husband's voice brought her back to his attention.

"Hey honey, who's that?"

"Oh! That's Sua! She was my best friend from high school. I haven't seen her since she went to Seoul. It was nice to reconnect with her."

"What did you guys talk about?"

"Not much. Just seeing how things were going since we last seen each other. She told me she was taking a break from college and how I'm married now. I kinda pointed you out to her to show her the wonderful man I married."

"Did she say anything about me?"

"No. What's with all the questions?"

"Nothing. Just curious. That's all."

"Oh. Ok then. Enough about Sua, tonight's about us. If you want to know more about our friendship, I could tell you a different night. There are many stories to tell."

"Sounds great. Can't wait to hear them."

They spent the rest of the night talking with each other, exchanging gifts, and having plenty of drinks in celebration of their wonderful union going on a year strong.

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